Chapter 1

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"When will Mike be here?" Avery Henderson complained while waiting in front of Starcourt mall with their older sister Andrea and friends Max Mayfield, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Charlize Cunningham, and September Wheeler.
"Yeah. And Mahi."  Charlize complained.
"They're probably at Mahi's." Max said.
"Making out." Andrea added.
"Again." September finished. Just then Mike pulled up, with Mahi Desai right behind him.
"You're late." September crossed her arms and glared at her brother.  
"I know I know! Sorry." Mike said, locking his bike.
"We're gonna miss the opening!" Max yelled.
"If you guys keep whining about it! Lets go!" Mike said.
"So what were you doing?" Charlize asked.
"I'll tell you what they were doing." September said. And then she made kissing sounds with her mouth.
"Oh Mahi. I wish we could make out forever and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas mocked.
"Hey!" Mahi and Mike yelled defensively.
"Come on." Andrea said, laughing.
"Hey watch it nerd!" A young girl's voice yelled.
"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas called back.
"Isn't it time you died!" The girl's voice called.
"Mall rat!"
"Fart face!"
Lucas blowed a raspberry at his little sister Erica.
"Real mature." Max pulled him through the mall up to Schoops Ahoy.

Mike rang the bell at Schoops Ahoy for what must have been the millionth time.
"Hey Dingus, your children are here." The girl with short hair from behind the counter said. Her name tag said "Robin."
"Again? Seriously?" Steve Harrington said, opening the window. Mike and September raised their eyebrows at the same time.
"Come on, come on!" Steve said, ushering in the group.
"And no powers in here." Steve added to Andrea.
"That was one time. And no one even saw." Andrea snapped.
"Still." Steve said.
Then they walked into the hall behind the walls.
"I swear, if anyone hears about this..." Steve called.
"We're dead!" Everyone finished.

Charlize peeked her head around the door into the movie theater.
"All clear." She said, motioning for her friends to follow her into the theater. It was hard to find enough seats for eight teenagers and one tween but they managed.
"See Lucas? We made it." Will said.
"We missed the previews." Lucas complained.
"Still made it fart face." Max said.
"Shh." Will snapped.
The show started to play, and had smooth sailing for a few minutes. Then it glitched out.
"WHAT!" Avery yelled.
Then the movie came back. Andrea looked over at Will, who sat between her and September. She was the only one who saw how his hand slid behind his hair and touched his neck.

Is this gonna be okay? A Stranger Things apply ficWhere stories live. Discover now