Chapter 5

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"Come on." Max said, getting up off the bed and pulling Mahi up with her.
"Where are we going?" Mahi asked.
"To have some fun!" El said.
"There's more to life than stupid boys, you know." Andrea exclaimed.

Dustin Henderson walked into Schoops Ahoy, also known as "the world's best nautical themed ice cream place" at least according to Avery.
"Hi." Dustin said, walking up to the girl standing behind the counter.
"Hi." She said.
"I'm Dustin." Dustin said, pointing at himself.
"I'm Robin." Robin said.
"Pleasure to meet you. Is-is he here?" Dustin asked.
"Is who here?" Robin asked.
Just then Steve Harrington burst through the door that led to the back room. He put his hands over his head.
"Henderson. Henderson! He's back! He's back!" Steve cried, running over to his favorite kid.
"You got the job!" Dustin yelled, happy for his friend.
"I got the job!" Steve repeated, then pretended to play the trumpet.
Then the boys did their little handshake thing. They pretended to clash lightsabers together and Dustin pretended to punch Steve.
"How many children are you friends with?" Robin asked Steve. Steve sighed. 

Nancy, Jessica, and Jonathan stood at Mrs. Driscoll's address. They all looked at each other awkwardly until Jessica reached up and rung the doorbell. A stout woman with white hair opened the door.
"Hi, um, I'm Nancy." Nancy said. Mrs. Driscoll looked at her confused. "Nancy Wheeler. We spoke briefly on the phone last night. We're from the Hawkins Post." 
"Oh!" Mrs. Driscoll cried. "Oh yes. Oh, my goodness. Oh. You look too young for reporters." 
"We get that a lot." Jessica said, running her hand through her short, pink hair. 
Mrs. Driscoll chuckled and said: "Follow me." 
She led Nancy, Jessica, and Jonathan into her house. It was small, but cozy. A somewhat creepy cat clock hung on the wall, watching them.
"Oh it's... lovely." Nancy said politely. 
"Do you live here alone?" Jessica asked.
"Yes. Jack, my husband, passed away ten years ago." Mrs. Driscoll replied.
"Oh. Um... I'm... I'm so sorry." Nancy said.
"Oh, don't be. I kinda like the quiet. At least, I did." Mrs. Driscoll said as she opened the creaky basement door and led them downstairs. "It's right over there." Mrs. Driscoll pointed at a bunch of bags of fertilizer, all torn open.   
"You see those little teeth marks, don't ya?" Mrs. Driscoll said, nodding towards the bags. Jonathan took a few photos.
"And these bags. You're sure they were filled before?" Nancy asked.
"I'm old, honey, not senile." Mrs. Driscoll said. "Bought them over at Blackburn's supplies just last Tuesday. Now you tell me, why would rats want to eat a poor old woman's fertilizer?"
"Are you sure they did it?" Jessica asked. "I mean, eating fertilizer seems..."
"Crazy." Mrs. Driscoll finished for her. "Believe me, honey. But..." Mrs. Driscoll sighed. "Something's not right with these rats." 
"What does that mean, exactly, "not right?" Nancy asked.
"Rabies, my guess. That's when I said to myself "Doris, you gotta call the paper. Because if those diseased rats are runnin loose, the people, they oughta know." Wouldn't you agree?"
Just then a loud crash came from another part of the basement.
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention!" Mrs. Driscoll said, seemingly excited about something. She walked over to a table that had something on it. And whatever was on it was covered by a sheet. And whatever was under the sheet was very very upset. "I caught one of the little basterds."

Outside Starcourt mall, when the bus pulled up, along with a large group of other people, stepped out six girls, ready for a day without boys. El had never been to Starcourt and she looked up a little nervous.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Max asked.
"Too many people. Against the rules." El said, uncomfortable.
"Seriously? You and Andrea have superpowers. What's the worst that could happen?" Max asked.
The girls walked into the mall. So many stores were visible from their spot, including Claire's and JC Penny.
"So what should we do first?" Andrea asked. Looking at El and Mahi's vacant expressions she laughed. "You've never been shopping without Mike or your parents, have you Mahi?"      
"I've never been shopping." El said, in wonder of the place.
"Well, then I guess we're just gonna have to try everything!" 

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