Chapter 10

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"You sure about this?" Jonathan asked. Him, Nancy, and Jessica stood outside the door to where the men planned what stories would be in the paper. Nancy chuckled.
"You really are your mother's son, you know that?" She asked.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jonathan asked.
"It means you worry too much." Nancy said.
"Huh?" Jessica asked. She had never met Jonathan's mother, but she remembered seeing her when her mother took her and her brother and sister to Will Byers funeral two years ago.
"My mom worries a lot." Jonathan explained.
"Oh. Because of whatever happened to Will, right?" Jessica asked.
"Yeah. Among other reasons." Jonathan answered.
"Huh?" Jessica said, confused.
"I got this, okay?" Nancy said, changing the subject. 
"Okay." Jessica and Jonathan said. Nancy pushed the door open and they entered the room. The writers sat at the table and the bosses, Bruce and Tom. Nancy walked over the the table and slapped down her notebook and Jonathan''s photos.
"Hey Nancy Drew!" Bruce called, looking up at Nancy. Jessica saw how Nancy put a fake smile on. She knew how much Nancy hated that nickname. Nancy pointed at the things on the table.
"So, what exactly are we looking at here?" Tom asked.
"Is this the Driscolls lady's stuff?" Bruce added.
"No. No, see, that's the thing. I mean, listen, I thought she was crazy too but" Nancy started to say but was cut off by Bruce.
"She told me Johnson killed Kennedy." He said. The men at the table laughed.
"But it turns out, she's not alone." Nancy continued. "Blackburn's supplies, Hawkin's farming, the Crawley's, they've all had supplies go missing in the past few days. And it's not just fertilizer. It's pesticides, cleaning supplies, diesel fuel. And that's just from one day of calling around. I mean, there's got to be more."
"Okay, wait, wait, wait. Let me get this little... story of yours straight. So, little rodents have gone cuckoo in their furry little minds and they're running around the town of Hawkins, dining out on chemicals." Tom said, sceptically. 
"I know how it sounds but..." Nancy was cut off by Bruce again.
"But you've got proof!" He yelled. And all the men at the table laughed. "I mean fellas, you gotta admit, it's a hell of a headline, right? "Hawkins rodents prefer poison: nutjob tells all." 
"Guys, that's enough." Tom said. All the laughing stopped and Jessica and Jonathan exchanged a glance. Was Nancy's plan actually working? 
"I think this is... big." Tom countiued. "Bigger than one article. I think this has got to be a book. "The case of the missing fertilizer, a Nancy Drew mystery." All the men started laughing again. 
"Next time a call comes in, do what you were hired for, and let us know, yeah? We'll decide what's a story and what's not." Bruce said.
"Okay." Nancy said and turned around to leave.
"Bye bye Nancy Drew!" One man yelled as Nancy left. RIght before she walked out the door, Jessica glared at him. Jonathan followed them. Nancy walked across the building and went out to her car.
"Hey, it's okay Nancy." Jonathan said, trying to make her feel better. Nancy ignored him and got in the car. "Nancy!" Jonathan yelled again. He looked at Jessica who just shook her head.

"You see anything?" Dustin asked. He, Steve, and Andrea were crouched behind a plant. Charlize had said she wasn't going to be a part of that and was busy trying to work with the code.
"Uh, I guess I don't know what I'm looking for." Steve said, looking down at Dustin.
"Evil Russians." Dustin replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Tall, blond, not smiling." Dustin said.
"Mm-hmm?" Steve nodded, looking back through his binoculars.
"Also, look for earpieces, camo, duffel bags, that sort of thing" Dustin continued. 
"Right, okay. Duffel bags." Steve said. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." 
"What?" Andrea and Dustin asked at the same time.
"Anna Jacobi's talking with that meathead Mark Lewinsky." Steve answered.
"If you're not gonna focus, just give me the binoculars." Dustin said.
"Yeah. Or me." Andrea added, glaring at her brother.
"Aw, Jesus Christ. I mean, what happened to standards?" Steve continued. "I mean, Lewinsky never even came off the bench."
"Dude, you are the worst spy in history." Andrea rolled her eyes. 
"Stop, hey, stop." Dustin reached for the binoculars. "Give me those. I don't get why you're looking at girls. You have the perfect one in front of you." 
"Seriously, if you say Robin again..." Steve said.
"Robin." Andrea said.
"Robin." Dustin added, catching up on what his sister was doing. 
"No, don't. No." Steve snapped.
"Robin Robin Robin." Andrea continued.
"Stop. No, no, no." Steve said.
"Robin Robin Robin." Dustin said. 
"No!" Steve yelled.
"Robin!" The twins said together.
"No, guys. She's not my type. She's not even... in the ballpark of what my type is, alright?" Steve insisted.
"What's your type then? Not awesome?" Andrea teased. Dustin laughed.
"For your information, she's still in school." Steve said. "And she's weird. She's a weirdo! And she's hyper. I don't like that she's hyper. And she did drama. That's a bad look. And she's in band."
"No. Now that you're out of high school, which means you're technically an adult now, don't you think it's time to move on from primitive constructs such as popularity?" Dustin asked.
"Oh, primitive constructs? That some stupid s**t you learned from camp... know... nothing?" Steve said, annoyed.
"Camp know where, actually." Dustin corrected. "And no, it's s**t I learned from life."
"Instead of dating someone who you think's gonna make you cooler, why not date somebody you actually enjoy being around?" Andrea suggested. "Like Max and I."
"Yeah. Or me and Charlize." Dustin added.
"Oh. Charlize and Max. And how exactly did you score those beautiful girlfriends? Oh yeah. With my advice. Because that's how this works Henderson's. I give you two the advice, you follow through, alright pea brains?" Andrea rolled her eyes and smirked. The binoculars floated off Steve's neck and into her outstretched hand.
"You're an idiot." She said, wiped the blood from her nose, and peered through the binoculars. 

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