Chapter 3

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Dustin, Andrea, Will, Mike, Max, El, Lucas, Charlize, Avery, Ember, and Lucas had been hiking up the hill for at least one hour.
"Aren't we high enough?" Ember asked.
"Cerebro works best at hundred meters." Dustin explained.
"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Charlize panted.
"Yeah. But Suzie's mormon." Dustin said.
"Oh s**t. She doesn't have electricity." Lucas said. "Oh, that's amish."
"If she didn't have electricity she wouldn't be a robotics genius." Andrea explained.
"What's mormon?" Will asked.
"Super religious white people." Andrea answered. 
"They have electricity and cars and stuff." Dustin explained. "But Suzie convinced me that cerebro would be cooler." 
"Hey guys, as cool as this is, Mahi and I have to get home." Mike said.
"Yeah. I have a curfew." Mahi explained.
"But it's only 4:00." El said, looking down at her watch.
"Parents huh? See you!" Mike called, grabbing Mahi's hand and running down the hill.
"Curfew at 4:00?" Dustin asked.
"They're lying." El explained.
"It's been like this all summer." Charlize said.
"It's romantic." Max said.
"It's gross." Avery counteracted.
"It's b******t." Dustin and Andrea said at the same time.
"I just got home." Dustin finished.

"Okay Will. Something's going on with you. I've known you since fourth grade and you've never acted like this. What's up?" Andera trailed behind to talk to Will.
"What do you mean?" Will asked.
"I saw you touch the back of your neck in the theater. And I saw you do it just now too. What's going on?" Andrea explained.
"Okay. Fine. But you can't tell anyone about this." Will said.
"I won't. I didn't tell anyone I had powers for the first twelve years of my life. I can keep a secret." Andrea promised.
"I've been having this weird creeping sensation on my neck. I don't why I've been getting it, but I know it's bad." Will said.
"Hmm. Not good." Andrea said.
"Made it!" Dustin yelled when they made it to the top of the hill.
"Yeah. And it only took 5 hours!" Lucas exclaimed.
"Why couldn't we just play DnD?" Will asked.
"I'm so thirsty." Lucas said.
"Are you ready to meet Suzie?" Dustin asked, annoyed.
"Yes." Everyone else said.

"Okay. That's it. I'm going." Lucas said, standing up.
"What? But she's going to come on." Dustin said.
"Dustin. We've been up here for 4 hours. I'm bored. So I'm going." Avery said, and stood up too. "I'll walk down with you, Lucas." 
"Count me in too." Charlize stood up as well.
"And me." El said.
"And me." Max added.
"And me." Ember said.
"And me." Will finished.,
"See you." Max said, and everyone set down the hill.
"Hey, at least I'm still here." Andrea smiled at her twin.
"Yeah. I'm just annoyed because I just got home." Dustin explained.
"Well we have been up here for 4 hours, so we were bored and hungry and tired." Andrea said.
"Yeah." Dustin chuckled. "That's on me."
Just then Cerebro crackled, and man's voice on the other end started speaking.
"Is that...?" Dustin asked in disbelief.
"Russian." Andrea confirmed grimly.

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