Chapter One

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Before morning classes had even started, Eijirou knew, without a fraction of a doubt, that something was wrong with Bakugo.

Ever since the second war, Bakugo's been a lot calmer. Sure, his words were still harshly blunt, but none of them ever meant to truly hurt you, nor did they hold any of the hostility they used to back in their first year.

After he started to date Midoriya, he went completely soft. It was quite the sight to behold. Bakugo Katsuki, one of the Big Three, the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, the hero who fought against one of the deadliest villains of their time and lived to tell the tale, apparently blushes a bright red when given forehead kisses.

Manly as hell, and honestly not a surprise in the slightest. Bakugo and Midoriya have always had a connection that was different from the rest of the class, even before they started getting on good terms again.

The first red flag of something being wrong was when Midoriya walked into class alone. Eijirou had glanced over at Mina, who was already looking back at him, eyebrows raised. Bakugo and Midoriya were basically inseparable—Aizawa even lifted curfew rules for their class because of their tendency to head to the other's dorm room to sleep. Eijirou was incredibly grateful for that rule modification—waking up to Bakugo screaming from a nightmare was a pretty painful experience.

But here Midoriya was, completely alone, nothing in his expression indicating anything being amiss as he took his backpack off and took his seat.

No big deal, though, right? He and Bakugo have been dating for almost a year now, not even the most romantically manly of couples are attached to the hip for their entire lives.

Eijirou's attempts to alleviate his own concern flew out the window at the sight of Bakugo entering the class.

Mina's head immediately snapped back towards Eijirou, eyes wide.

Bakugo was pissed. He didn't have to even say anything—the pure rage that radiated off of him seemed to sink its claws into the air, ready to attack anything that gets too near.

Worst of all, Bakugo was silent. Eijirou had learned a long while ago—along with the rest of their class—that a quiet Bakugo was the angriest. Something had to have really pissed him off to have him like this.

Second red flag. Did he have an argument with Midoriya, or his parents, maybe?

Once Bakugo made it to his seat, he didn't spare Midoriya a second glance—just tossed his bag onto his desk and took his seat, completely and utterly silent.

That wasn't what had sirens blaring in Eijirou's head, though. The fact that Midoriya didn't acknowledge Bakugo's presence, nor even look at him, was the final red flag that had his alarms screaming out, "SOMETHING IS VERY VERY WRONG."

Eijirou's phone is buzzing before he's even tapped in his passcode.

Blasty Support Squad


kami: AYO??

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