Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: There is heavily implied sexual content in this chapter. Proceed with caution. 


After many tears and many more kisses, Izuku wraps his arms around Katsuki, twisting them until Katsuki's back hits the mattress, Izuku smiling down over him, eyes filled with so much pure, soft infatuation that Katsuki feels like he's drowning.

As he wraps his arms around Izuku, yanking him down to press his lips against his, Katsuki thinks he'd happily drown in Izuku—as the kisses grow more heated, laced with sparks of bubbling lust; as Katsuki wraps his bare legs around Izuku's naked torso, eyes already teary with want; as Izuku shoves his face into Katsuki's shoulder, hips snapping at a brutal pace as tears fill Katsuki's eyes, handing wrapped underneath Izuku's arms and gripping at his back.

"Kacchan," he chants, like it's a prayer, a worship, "Kacchan, Kacchan—"


Izuku's hand is instantly reaching for Katsuki's hand, pushing out the crumpled bed sheet and pressing his palm into Katsuki's, fingers slotting in the empty spaces. The warmth of Izuku's hand seeps straight into Katsuki, making the constrasting coolness of the ring pressing all the more obvious, filling his chest until it overflows, leaking out from his eyes. It feels like he's drowning in a jangled up mix of their emotions—love and devotion, fondness and reverence, light and glowing as it gently fills Katsuki's lungs.

Izuku's still chanting Katsuki's name, and the warmth suddenly burns, threatening to pop out of him.

Izuku, Izuku, I need—Izuku, I—

Katsuki bends him arm that's on Izuku's back upwards, lightly gripping at the hair at the base of Izuku's neck and dragging him back to Katsuki's lips. It's hot and messy, slick with spit and the increasingly violent buzz of need.

"Kacchan," Izuku gasps, cutting himself off as he leans back into Katsuki. "Kacchan, Kacchan, I love you, Kacchan, Kacchan, I love you, I love you, I love you—"

At that, Katsuki plummets off the edge, a choked-off sob tearing out of his throat as Izuku presses feather-light kisses all over Katsuki's tear-stained face, gently rocking into Katsuki before letting out a soft gasp of Katsuki's name, hand squeezing tightly where it still holds Katsuki's.

Katsuki takes his free hand out from underneath Izuku's arm, gently carding his fingers through Izuku's hair as he slowly separates from Katsuki, tying up their contained mess and tossing it into the nearby trash bin before practically falling on top of Katsuki, forcing out a large whoosh of air from his lungs.

"You're fucking heavy," Katsuki wheezes, hands gripping Izuku's shoulders and shoving him.

Izuku lets out a soft, sated hum, lazily leaning his head up. He tries to kiss Katsuki, but misses slightly and catches the corner of his mouth. "Kacchan loves me anyways, though."

Katsuki lets out a huff, a response on his tongue, when Izuku's arms wrap around him, pressing his head into Katsuki's chest, fingers mindlessly coming up and tracing shapeless patterns on Katsuki's skin, leaving a soft buzz under his skin.

"Take a shower with me?" Izuku mumbles, glancing up at Katsuki imploringly.

Showering together afterwards has always been a pleasant but rare luxury—they live in dorms with fucking shared bathrooms. He sure as fuck wouldn't want to be going down to take a piss and hear, let alone see, two people cuddling in there.

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