Chapter Twenty-Three

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Recovery Girl's Office

Katsuki decides against blasting his way up to the window to let him into the room Izuku is in, instead choosing to carefully climb up the building, only using his Quirk to give himself a small boost up.

When he reaches Izuku's window, he steadies himself against the ledge, pressing his face against it, heart in his throat.

Izuku is sitting in bed, blankly staring at the wall, phone gripped tightly in his hands.

Katsuki's heart leaps at the sight of him.

Izuku. He's still here, and alive. He's okay.

Katsuki's heart starts to twist, but Katsuki shoves that down, taking a deep breath as he carefully pulls his phone out of his pocket, swiping open to his convo with Izuku and typing.


You: let me in dumbass

Katsuki watches as Izuku's phone screen lights up, seeming to snap him out of his daze as he practically breaks him phone with the violence that he swipes it open, bringing the screen close to his face, eyes widening before he whips his head to the window.


Izuku practically jumps out of bed, sprinting forward towards the window to unlock it, yanking it open. Katsuki stumbles slightly, having leaned his weight against the window.

Izuku yelps, eyes widening. "Kacch—!"

Katsuki may be one of the top students in their class, as well as one of UA's big three—one of the strongest heroes at their school; a highly-trained, streamlined fighting machine of indisputable strength, who never faltered or hesitated.

Izuku was always Katsuki's exception, though—he lets himself fall in towards Izuku, arms wrapping around him tightly as he stumbles backwards, but doesn't fall, arms having grabbed Katsuki.

God. Katsuki didn't realize how much he missed this, holding Izuku in his arms, the warm smell of vanilla bean scented shampoo filling his nostrils.

Though Izuku's arms were steadying Katsuki, they weren't holding him back Katsuki tightens his arms around Izuku, burying his face into the space between his neck and shoulder.


At that, Izuku lets out a heaving sigh, shaking slightly as his arms come up and properly wrap around Katsuki.

"Kacchan," he breathes out; a faint whisper of a thing, reverent and awed.

Katsuki can't help the way he presses himself harder into Izuku, like if he presses hard enough, he'd fuse right into his chest—settle behind his ribs, cradled around his heart.

Izuku walks backwards, pulling Katsuki along until they were standing right in front of the bed. Katsuki—still tightly holding onto Izuku—kicks off his shoes, and then Izuku pulls him down into the bed, pulling him back and down into the bed, burying his face into Katsuki's shoulder.

"You came, Kacchan," Izuku whispers, voice filled with both awe and sorrow. "I'm so glad, I thought you wouldn't—"

Katsuki feels the air whoosh out of him, hot coils wrapping around his lungs, melting straight through as the burning fills the back of his eyes. "How could I not come, Izuku?" Katsuki whispers back, tightening his grip around Izuku as he presses his face harder into the space between Izuku's shoulder and neck. "You called."

Izuku lets out a strangled sort of sound, and Katsuki feels his heart crack as Izuku's legs come up and tangle with his. "Yeah," Izuku replies, seeming to pause before his hands fist into Katsuki's shirt, clenching at the fabric. "I'm sorry, Kacchan—"

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