Chapter Eighteen

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Ground Gamma

After the war, one of the biggest issues Izuku dealt with—as well as almost the entire class—was a sense of restless unease. They'd all become hardwired to always be prepared to fight and defend themselves and others at any given moment, day or night, and now that they were no longer in the life-or-death stakes of literal war, it was more than difficult to make their bodies fully relax and rest.

Even after months of therapy and low-stakes fights, they've all still had that itching of some impending fight, and because of that, Aizawa kept up with intensive training scrimmages.

"Alright, class. Today's gonna be a classic," Aizawa says, standing in front of the large monitor. "We're doing the first-year exams training. One group is offense, the other's defense. The offense tries to either arrest the defense or have at least one member of their team make it past the escape checkpoint. The defense tries to either prevent anyone from offense making it past the checkpoint or arrest them. Full usage of quirks is allowed today, we'll continue with our quirkless training from earlier this week next Wednesday. We're doing groups of two, so listen out for your name to know who your partner is." At that, Aizawa picks up a red box, sticking his hand in it, and pulls out a red ball.

"Midoriya. You will be on offense."

Aizawa then picks up the blue box, puts his hand in it, and pulls out a blue ball.

"Todoroki. You will be on offense with Midoriya."

Izuku blinks twice, before letting out a small huff of air as Aizawa tosses the balls onto the ground, picking up the red box again to pick out the name for defense.

Yoichi appears beside Izuku, contemplative. "He purposefully did that, didn't he? In case you "freaked out" again."

Izuku hums. Yeah, probably.

"Bakugo, you and Jirou will be defense."

Izuku freezes, heart squeezing in his chest.

Why does this always happen to us? Whenever there's a problem between us we always end up having to fight each other during class.

Banjo appears on Izuku's other side, nodding solemnly. "I bet you he planned that, too. Probably noticed that you two haven't talked all day."

Izuku hates the way his heart aches in his chest. No need to remind me, Banjo. I know.

Banjo puts his hands up, face panicked. "My bad, my bad! Didn't mean to make you upset, I was just saying."

Izuku lets out a sigh. I know, Banjo. It's okay.

Aizawa's voice brings Izuku's attention back. "Defense, you have seven minutes to get into position before the offensive team gets sent in. Go. The rest of you, observe."

Jirou gives a nod, turning and dashing straight into the labyrinth of hoses, pipes, and columns. Kacchan slowly follows behind her, lazily walking in. As he's passing by, though, his eyes lock with Izuku's briefly, before he looks away, a frown deepening in his face.

I'm sorry, Kacchan. Izuku swallows at the bile in the back of his throat. I'm really, really sorry. But this is for the best.

"Is it really for the best if you're both hurting this much?"

Izuku glances over at Yoichi, only to find the Second, standing by him with his arms crossed.

You've seen Kacchan, Izuku retorts. You know how he gets about things like this—

"What's the plan, Midoriya?"

Izuku snaps his head, the vestiges all disappearing as Izuku's gaze finds Todoroki, who's staring at him attentively.

Ah, right. The training.

Izuku taps a random beat with his fingers against his thigh. "I was thinking that I could be the bait since Kacchan's all..." Izuku waves his hands to the entrance of the training grounds. "You know. Angry. I'm pretty certain I can fight quirkless long enough for you to find an opening to immobilize him and Jirou. How's that sound?"

Todoroki lets out a hum, nodding. "Alright, yeah. Sounds like a plan." At that, he pauses, then looks around before leaning in towards Izuku, voice lowered. "If you feel like you won't be able to beat him unless you use your Quirks, just let him win, Midoriya. Alright?"

Izuku gives a quick smile, internally frowning at the stream of his thoughts. "I will, Todoroki."

If I don't use my Quirks and hold back, though, Kacchan will just get even more mad.

The Second appears again, letting out a scoff. "Mad is a huge understatement. He's already livid, fighting with you seemingly holding back will leave him wanting to kill."

Izuku gives a small nod, not responding.

"You shouldn't have made your classmate lie to him," Nana says, hand coming to rest of Izuku's shoulder. "I've been telling you, you should just confront him with the truth."

Izuku frowns, letting out a sigh and shaking his head.

You and I both know why I haven't said anything to him. And I'm planning on keeping it that way. At least, until I

A loud buzzer sounds, and a fifteen minute timer appears on the screen, counting down. Aizawa gestures with his head towards Izuku and Todoroki, coffee pot in hand. "Alright, offense. You're up."

Hikage appears by Aizawa, face stern. "Be careful, Izuku. Don't go using your Quirks carelessly."

Izuku doesn't answer Hikage, simply turning to Todoroki and nodding. His friend nods back, and they both start for the arena. Once they both took their first step in, Todoroki turns and raises his fist up at Izuku, a small smile on his face. "Plus Ultra."

Yoichi, though he doesn't appear, speaks up once more.

"Please remember, Izuku. Refrain from using your Quirks. For the sake of your friends."

Izuku swallows at the bile that coats the back of his throat.

I know, Yoichi.

Yoichi's voice is small, sorrowful. "I'm sorry, Izuku."

I know.

Izuku takes a deep breath, raising his fist to bump against Todoroki's.

"Plus Ultra."

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