Day 36

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Venice's POV

"Honey, the principal called me telling me-" I dropped my fork.

"Venice, you haven't been to school for days, maybe a week even. " I shrugged.

"Why don't you talk to me?" I stare down. Oh look, I just noticed that our carpet matches our curtains.

My mum sighed and stood up. She grabbed my plate and started doing the dishes. I feel guilty, ever since Michael and I's last hang out was the last time I talked to mum. I don't know why I'm not even talking. Not to anyone too. Except for Luke. I don't even know how that annoying idiot can keep me talking about my thoughts and still stay and listen to what I say. I wonder if he's planning to ignore me. I wonder when will his connection with me will end.

"Venice... You're hurt aren't you?" Mum, please.

"Please don't let Michael's disappearance consume your life. It would hurt you more. The more you think about it the more you will blame yourself, the more you'll miss him, the more you-"

"Mum, stop." I hissed. No mum, you can't say that. You don't know that. No.

"We don't have a complete family nor we have a happy one, before this, I was left too by an important person in my life, I know the feeling. It hurts. Can't even compare to physical pain. Venice, I know your feelings for Michael, but know this, don't let him consume your thoughts. You can move on you know? You can-"

"You don't know that!" I cried. Whoah, Venice. After all those nights you cried yourself to sleep, you still had the tears to spill? Jesus.

Mum hugged me, letting me cry on her cardigan. She ran her fingers on my hair. Humming a tune of a lullaby.

"I know you're hurt, Venice. You have to get hurt. That's how you learn. The strongest people out there? the ones who laugh the hardest with a genuine smile? those are the people who have fought the toughest battles. Because they have decided that they're not going to let anything hold them down, they're showing the world who's the boss. And you're going to be one of those people. " My mum kissed my forehead before letting me go up to my room.

Am I strong? Am I strong enough to let go? Is crying a sign of being strong?

Am I strong enough to move on?

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