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1.) This book is gonna be the journal of a girl. All of these letters are dedicated to her only friend. Yes, only because there will be a lot of twists.

2.) The title and description is a bit cliché but it wouldn't be.

3.) All of these characters will come from your imagination. It's up to you.

4.) Don't hate me for all the bad happenings.

5.) If you're a sensitive person. I advice nothing, because you are who you are, no matter what your choices might be. I'm just saying there will be self harms, negative thoughts,bad language, and mostly criticisms. This is up to you.

6.) I know once a person checks out a book, they will only reach until the 3rd chapter and leaves if they didn't like what they read, and I assure you it's fine. I wrote half of this book at such young age that caused it to be terribly written and it will only be written better way after the "Two Months Later" part.

If you're reading this, then i'm gonna love you so much. ok go →

Letters for you (Michael Clifford)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora