Day 4

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Dear Michael,

You picked me up this morning, surprisingly. You told me that you needed to catch up with me since you practically missed a whole day of my life.

I wonder if that means anything to you. Or it's just another thing of your charms. Or maybe it's just a friend thing. Hopefully not.

During lunch, yes, you were with me , but I can't help but notice that your eyes are glued to Ally -yep, that's her name. You told me like a hundred of times last night-. I kept on continuing our conversation of how I ended up passing my History test but I am seriously pissed off at how you can't even focus your attention towards me. Instead, your attention kept on diverting to Ally who was in the other side of the cafeteria. My nerves are drained of blood exchanged with anger. I'm jealous, Michael. And I can't help but think that I have no meaning to you since you can't even notice these little things.

Cliché, I know. But I don't even know how the hell am I going to stop myself from feeling this something towards you. You're the one who's all behind these things. It's not like I'm the one who's always nice. We're best friends for a lot of reasons. And one of them should be feeling something the same or equal. Not feeling something weird enough for the person to have these effects on me. You are the reason why I'm like this. But you're not the one I'm jealous of. It's Ally. She's a goddamn new student for god's sake! How the fuck did she claim your attention in that short amount of time?

So then, my temper blew, and I smashed my drink on the table causing it to spill in front of us. We didn't get wet, But I didn't really give a 2 flying fucks so I walked away, stomping myself on my way out of the cafeteria, or should I say; school.

As I said, I have no idea why the fuck do you have these effects on me , but I just realized. Maybe you are oblivious. So goddamn oblivious...

To the sense that you can't even notice your best friend slowly hurting because of you...


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