Chapter Seven-Dinner-Part IV; 1846

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The double doors of The Shaking Blood Inn was open.

      A group of 10 Vampires arrived.

       They exuded a dangerous power that stopped peoples'  hearts. Their long black colored gowns glided along the plush red carpet; their long, black colored coats also glided along the same carpet. Five of the Vampires' black colored hats were adjusted in the gothic red light; the other five Vampires' collars were wrapped around their bloody necks.

           "We're late! I hate to be late! If I am late, I'll rip the next person's head off...and roll it down the cobbled roads of London Town!", Lord Vladsoic Vklac said, in a Romanian accent.

            "M'Lord, I'm sure there's going to be no trouble...It is 7:11 pm", Lady Vlajinia Vklac, his wife, said, as she hugged her husband before he decided to kill anyone who stood in his way.

             "Well, let's see, dear", Lord Vladsoic Vklac said, as they, (and the others), headed inside to eat their late dinner.


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