Chapter 4: "Saving Cast Tech" DIGITAL

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After defeating a raid of pink buggers, Mayday and Zuke would head down the guarded path to the Club Planetarium entrance, the guitarist opening the door normally as they entered the building. Upon entering, they could see a large number of people, sheltered inside the building while some were assisted by members of the city's emergency personnel, near the stage, Dj Subatomic Supernova was trying to contact the NSR tower.

Mayday: Hey DJ! -She would raise his voice, drawing the attention of the NSR Artist-

DJSS: Mayday? Zuke? -He would look surprised that Bunk Bed Junction were in the Club Planetarium- Amazing... How did they manage to get here?

Mayday: Tatiana managed to contact me, before the signal was lost, she asked us to come to Cast Tech to give you a hand, we didn't have a platinum record to access immediately, so we decided to take another path... -I explain briefly-

Zuke: Well, let's say that the road we took was a long one from the Center that was not congested to get to the district -I continue-

DJSS: Mmm... and you could notice something along the way. Any change? Sorry for asking, I didn't have the time to go out and see how the City was after the citizens came to take refuge in my Club while I tried to contact With Tatiana, the only thing I could hear from several citizens is that strange beings were attacking the city of Vinyl City -He would say showing uneasiness about the situation that was happening outside the Club-

Mayday: Well... let's say that several areas of the Central district and Cast Tech are found, almost destroyed -She would give a nervous smile as she continued speaking- and with strange beings attacking Vinyl City? let's just say the citizens and the news weren't kidding that weird creatures appeared out of nowhere and started wreaking havoc on their way

Listening to what the guitarist of the band said, DJSS felt somewhat curious, as if his intellectual senses wanted to know more about these new forms of life mentioned.

DJSS: Fascinating... Tell me, what do they look like? What is their physical appearance like, do they have a different vocabulary from ours? or perhaps... Are they from a different planet?... or also... -I interpellate with questions in a state that reflected emotion-

The rocking duo felt a bit queasy at the sheer number of questions the DJ would have right now, so they both just decided to answer what they knew by now.

Mayday: Uh, well... they look like weird pink guys with masks and clothes made of stone? Like they're wearing it as armor? -She would say trying to detail what he could about the creatures-

Zuke: As May said, they seem bipedal beings, they speak in an almost unintelligible language, we faced them on the way to Cast Tech, we saw that some of them used a weapon similar to a crossbow, but it fired musical projectiles with a shape rare to activate by means of a violin bow, what's more, they shot as if they were playing a violin, they use music as a weapon, too, there were beings of different sizes... -It would explain what they tried to formulate when they met they-

Mayday: Oh! Yes! -She interrupted his partner- most of the ones we fought with were a quarter of a meter shorter than us, until reaching the outskirts of the Club, we fought against a big man half a meter tall, taller than us and a little. .. chubby? -She would say in an energetic tone while making a sign with his right hand with the purpose of calculating the height of the robust guy they faced-

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