Chapter 19: No Final Roads

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—Meanwhile on the bridge to the NSR Lighthouse, several minutes before BBJ's battle with Trópical—

Halfway across the bridge, a Lieutenant Discordant and a person unknown to her stood only a few meters apart, each looking and analyzing each other. After a brief moment of silence, Banshee was the first to break the Serenade that was flowing through the air.

Banshee: I asked you WHO ARE YOU? -In a tone that reflected her annoyance, hers Discordant from her behind her they positioned themselves in front of hers, pointing her weapons and being aggressive against the unknown person- don't make me repeat it a third time

???: Wow, wow, wow... wait, it's not for us to get so hostile either, heh, heh... -Keeping calm, his smile diminished for a few seconds to express a formal look and then, he tilted his body a few seconds. few degrees before those present- My name is Kliff, I'm glad I arrived just in time, it was obvious that they had a difficult time in their advance, wow, so you must be the leader who has organized this attack against Vinyl City, sorry for being now rude to a beautiful lady but would you tell me her name?

Banshee: Such audacity, I could decapitate you right now, but since you have helped me remove these junk obstacles, I will give you the privilege of knowing my name -Appearing calm, he made a sign to make his armed troops raise their weapons- I am Banshee, Army Lieutenant General Discordant May I ask the reason why someone from this city has helped us?

Kliff: Well, I have personal matters pending against someone who has humiliated and disappointed me in the past... -He said in a resentful tone-

Banshee: I see... How can I know you're not lying? -She said seriously although keeping calm- don't get me wrong, we just met for the first time and your action was to help us with these drones, besides I'm not someone easy to convince when it comes to trust against a non-Discordant

Kliff: I understand, I understand that this is sudden, but what I'm telling you is the truth, I'm not kidding you or anything like that -Smiling again, he would take several steps forward, causing the Discordants in front of his Lieutenant to growl or scream aggressively- also... you will need my help if you want to achieve what you have planned to do in mind, right?

Hearing those last words coming from the man who was right in front of her, she gave herself a few minutes to think about it, time was not in her favor that was clear, she had a poor and vague knowledge about this world and city and, for what witnessed right now, the option of using this person as a possible throwaway ally made it take more of his valuable time to waste but, in the end, he gave his answer.

Banshee: *Deep sigh* Very well Kliff, guide us through the Lighthouse -She said and then both she and her troops gave way to Kliff, when the man was about to pass by her side, she would take him by the shoulder to stop his steps For a few seconds, they both stared at each other, their voice would now sound in a threatening tone- if this is a trap on your part, I will make them feed on your meat *Pointing to a Brute who had his big eye on Kliff*

Brute Discordant: GRRRRR... -He would sound aggressively while making a threatening posture-

The scarfed man would nod with a smile but inside he felt a little terrified when he saw the big pink eyed beast give that chilling rocky snarl. When Banshee immediately released him, he would continue on his way across the bridge as he was followed by the Lieutenant and some of her discordant forces towards the Vinyl City Lighthouse.

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