2nd Season | Chapter 1: Damages and Recovery

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—Several days later—

Dawn was rising over the coast of a port city which had begun repair and restoration activities after the attack of an unexpected musical enemy who had caused both slight and serious damage, both materially and in the lives of each citizen. who each had returned to their home, whose attached feeling did not want to leave everything they had experienced from their time in Vinyl City, staying while among themselves, in collaboration with some artists and NSR staff, they helped to recover the previous state of what once It was considered the Capital of Music. As for the rest, this being foreign tourists and artists, it would take them more time to be able to dare to visit once again the city whose beautiful urban landscape was nothing more than now places vandalized or destroyed by the actions of; from their point of view, by terrorists who almost succeeded in achieving their objectives.

While the population and artists of Vinyl City were in their activities, the televisions and even other transmission devices, made an informative news sound towards them, who mostly stopped for a few moments to listen to the voice and image of the Vinyl City Report reporter. who maintained a firm but at the same time positive look from the view of his viewers and listeners. The broadcast was live and direct from the studios.

Reporter Woman: Greetings Citizens of Vinyl City, here is your reporter, being back from the VC Report studios to inform you today -Said in her serious tone but with a relaxed expression the woman with blue skin and hair, with red glasses whose eyes were green, with ornaments and superior clothing seen from the screens, these being a white shirt, a purple jacket, a gold necklace and a pair of white pearl earrings- the city little by little suddenly returns to normality after the attack of the so-called Discordants, were days of horror for us, both citizens and tourists who came to visit and enjoy a life in harmony, which were only saturated noises who took their place to cause panic in the Capital of the Music, but to their ill-fated attempt at conquest, our NSR artists with the help of indie rock band BBJ stopped them and once again saved our home from the noisy invader, Right now one of our reporters is right now at the Rhythm Hospital in the Natura district where several of our artists are currently being treated

Within seconds, from the viewers' perspective, an image in one corner of the screens would soon swell to half the screens and show, from a cameraman's point of view, a reporter with light orange skin, short hair, and shaved on the sides and nape of a dark brown color, light blue eyes, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, black pants with red suspenders and black shoes. In front of the reporter was a large crowd who were several meters away from the main entrance of the building, cordoned off by several police forces and security drones who had the purpose of calming and prohibiting the passage of the crowd.

Reporter Man: Greetings partner, I am currently located with John in the front row, waiting for the arrival of one of the Sayu team members who managed to be discharged after the attack by one of the leaders of the Discordants who had attacked the concert of Sayu in Akusuka... -Informed-

After several minutes of waiting, a vehicle from the record company would arrive at the scene to soon get off a blue-skinned young woman, Tila would arrive at the Hospital to immediately go to the entrance, soon several positive shouts were produced among the crowd, the young adolescent she would feel nervous while looking at the crowd and noticing that the journalist and his cameraman companion were approaching her with the purpose of interviewing her, but soon she would feel a little relieved to see that some policemen stopped the journalistic pair's passage and then Continue your journey to the hospital entrance and enter.

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