Chapter 14: "Division Saving Metro" Primal

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Primal: I can finally meet them... Bunk Bed Junction

It was his words to make his presence known to Mayday and Zuke who were wary of this ghostly-looking jarring possibly being the one Tatiana had mentioned on Remi's part.

Mayday: I'll guess, Primal, right? -Gave a serious look before the high command-

Primal: NCO Primal dear, but yes, that's my name -I affirm with a nod as he swung his microphone which was illuminated in a neon pink glow-

Mayday: Well, if you're out of shape, have you ever even thought about eating? -I would ask mockingly-

Primal: HAHAHAHAHA! -I would laugh in a creepy discordant tone at what the guitarist said- Aaahh how funny you are guitarist

Mayday would feel uncomfortable because of the strange behavior of the Discordant NCO who did not feel annoyance or anger reflected before her and her companion who was trying to understand the situation.

Zuke: Excuse me, but why do you treat us in such a friendly way? -I ask with a look of curiosity- almost always your comrades received us in different ways with the purpose of taking our lives. What are you trying to achieve by treating us that way?

Primal: I, hehe, I'm not trying to get anything with you -He answered in an innocent and sharp tone while giving a shocked expression- I'm just someone who feels "admiration" towards the rock band that formed a resolution to overthrow Primal this "COMPANY" that banned a genre as fascinating as rock, although I am someone with a taste for Metal, that does not differentiate us in that we share certain tendencies, right?

Mayday: How do you know about that? -I ask slightly amazed that I knew about his revolution 6 months ago-

Primal: In the short time I've been here, I've seen signs of your actions that have been permanently impregnated in this place, matching my theory that you were responsible for causing this, that's why I'm quite amazed at you two -He said sounding flattering towards the rock duo-

Mayday: Oh, t-thank you, I never thought I'd hear such words, coming from our "enemy" -She said, looking happy and flattered-

Zuke: (Something is not right) -He thought showing himself with a cautious countenance when noticing that Mayday's behavior towards the Discordant Noncommissioned Officer had taken a 180° turn- (Mayday would not be so easily convinced and less so against them, something is wrong right)

Behind the Drummer's thoughts, voices could be heard behind Zuke, he felt that it was not a good idea to turn around and show his back to the enemy in front of you, but those voices felt very familiar when heard by the drummer. from BBJ.

???: ...can you hear me?...

???: ...reaction to!...

???: ...Zuke!...

???: ...May Day!...

???: ...hey!...

Zuke: Why do I feel like I recognize those voices? -He said showing something astonished, without realizing that Primal had heard him-

Primal: What-t a-are you talking about man-n? There's no one here-e but us t-three, because we don't continue on what happened 6 months ago b-back, it made me curious about what they did in that "revolution" -Looking somewhat tense, I incite the drummer to ask him told what they did in the city, but Zuke noticed something strange in the Discordant NCO who was looking towards him, but not directly towards him-

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