Chapter 10: "Saving Natura" Orchestral

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—Inside the Natura Concert Hall, minutes before BBJ's arrival at the Natura District—

|Start Music (Loop)|

An intense melody was heard inside by the percussive string instrument that the Child Prodigy skilfully produced with her hands, the public and other artists were absorbed listening while on the balconies whose water sources flowed and fell like calm rivers and waterfalls. Orchestral found that together with their Discordantes who continued to observe and listen to said melody that the pianist produced. While the Natura artist was on stage, Neon J. would constantly try to call the CEO of NSR but for some strange reason his mobile phone signal had stopped working.

Meanwhile, with the mother of the young artist, she would look happily and attentively at her daughter who was still playing her instrument, a gift that she had received from her late husband, her happy look would change to one of melancholy when she saw that her daughter looked so much like To him, in a few moments, she felt something spill on her right cheek, she realized that a tear had managed to escape, she would wipe her cheek and right eye with her hand and then continue observing and listening to the melody of her beloved daughter .

The veteran ex-military cyborg, unable to communicate, reunited with Yinu's mother, who seemed distracted looking at her little girl.

Neon J.: Excuse me, Madame... -He said in a calm tone, causing the reddish woman to open her eyes for a short time, unpainting him from his contemplation of her daughter-

Yinu's mother: Is something wrong Mr. J.? -She asked while she had a slightly smiling and calm expression -

Neon J.: Yes -He sounded worried- I'm sorry to distract your attention from her but, could you try to contact Miss Tatiana? For some reason, the signal on my phone started to drop right now

After the words said by the Manager of 1010, the woman would nod to take her phone out of her dress pocket, she would dial the number of the CEO of NSR to contact him, the seconds passed until they became minutes, minutes in which something was not right in these moments, she would hang up the call after receiving the tone of the answering machine that implied that her call was not received, the woman would look at Neon J. with a worried face, who made him nod, making her even more nervous.

Neon J.: They are here... -He mentioned seriously-

|End Music|

The melody produced would soon be played, Yinu had finished playing her instrument, she would rise from her seat as a wave of applause rang through the auditorium, the young artist would give a short bow as she waited for the Concert Hall staff to was in charge of closing the curtain in front of her, but to the surprise of the child prodigy, when she slowly opened her eyes, the curtain had not yet closed.

Yinu: (What's going on? Why haven't they closed the curtain yet?) -She asked herself, looking surprised and then stopped doing her farewell posture-

The applause would gradually decrease, causing the audience to show confused or lost expressions, the applause would continue to decrease until only one was heard, the little pianist was still standing on the stage, looking towards her mother who looked just like her. the public but this time it changed to a worried look, Yinu did not understand what was happening until that applause that still sounded in the auditorium did not stop at all.

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