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The brunette boy turned the key in the lock and Callum shifted nervously from foot to foot. He tried to remember where his house was, but he couldn't really focus on anything but Daniel's hand in his.

"No one else is here, don't worry."

He gave the blonde a small smile and stepped back from the door to let him through. Callum was the first to notice the pack of cigarettes lying on the table. It was full, which he was pleasantly surprised by since Dan hadn't had time to light it.

"Second door to the right, there is a bathroom. Will you wait there?"

He turned to the blue-eyed questioningly and waited for his reaction. Callum nodded his head in agreement and walked off to the other door on the right. Everything here was similar to his apartment. Small but cozy and enough for one person.

"It's not that bad."

Callum stated as Daniel came into the room. Examining his forehead in the mirror, he noticed Daniel's hand resting on his arm.

"Anyway... you could catch something there."

He mumbled and pressed his other hand with a cotton pad to the wound.

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