Chapter 3

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"I'll try not to come back so late." I say as Toriel opens the door for me. I told her I was sorry for being late last night. I got scolded still but she seemed to understand. "Alright. Hurry along, my child." Toriel said, gently pushing me out. I sigh, holding onto my bag for support. I start my walk to snowdin, hoping to see Sans and Papyrus before visiting the hotlands. 

I was only 5 minutes on my walk when I felt a presence behind me. I pause in my tracks, feeling kind of scared and nervous. I had hoped no one wanted me dead all over again. I slowly look behind me to find no one there. "Was it just my imagination?" I ask myself, hoping I was just being paranoid. "I don't know... Was it?" A whisper said, causing me to freeze. 

I felt my heart pound in my chest. "M-Maybe?" I say, making it sound like a question. "You scared, kid?" The voice said, a bit louder this time. I let out a shaky sigh of relief, now knowing who it was. "Y-You did scare me, yes." I hear a small laugh come from the voice, finally seeing the skeleton walk in front of me to reveal himself. 

"Didn't think I'd scare you THAT much. I scared you to the bone, huh?" Sans says, giving me a smirk. Well, the best smirk he could do. I sigh out another shaky breath, showing him that he really did give me a heart attack. "Why do you keep calling me kid, huh? I'm a grown adult now." I said, changing the subject and ignoring his bad pun. 

Sans just stares at me with that smile on his face and says, "You're still a kid, kid. You'll always be one." Sans then places his hands in his pockets. That kind of hurt a little. "That's mean." I say, turning around and walking away from Sans. I was trying to leave him behind. Although, I forgot that he could teleport.

"Hey kid. Wanna come with me to Grillbz? I'll let you pay.~" I couldn't help but let out a small laugh at his statement. "Yes, because saying that you'll let me pay will make want to come with." I said, pushing his shoulder playfully. "Why wouldn't it?~" He asks, making me laugh more. "Fine, I'll come with you. Only because I'm hungry though, I didn't eat breakfast." 

We then walk in a peaceful silence. It wasn't awkward or anything, which I was grateful for.


"Heya Grillbz." Sans greets Grillby and sits at the bar. I sit next to him, remembering the first time I came here. "Hey Sans. Who have you brought with-" Grillby pauses, instantly recognizing me. "Frisk? Is that you?" He asks, making me smile. "Hi Grillby. How are you doing?" I ask, wanting to have a small conversation with the fire man. 

"You know, the usual. And taking care of that dumb skeleton is a chore as well." I laugh as he points towards Sans. "You love me." Sans said, ordering the 'sans special'. Whatever that is. "I most certainly do not love you. I'm merely just someone who gets you home whenever you order the sans special." Grillby says, placing down some alcohol. 

"I didn't know you drink-" I say, staring at the alcohol bottle in surprise. "I don't all the time, kid." I sigh, not really bothering to order a drink. I wasn't the biggest fan of alcohol. I remembered when my friends made me drink for the first time. Honestly, I regret it. It was nasty and also gave me the worst hangover. I never went out with them sense. 

"Are you ordering anything, Frisk?" I hear Grillby ask me, making me snap out of my thoughts. "Oh uhm... Just get me a burger. I'd rather uh not drink." I say, rubbing my wrist out of nervousness. "I'll be back with your order." I then watch Grillby walk to the back, probably to cook my food. "You said you were an adult, right? Why won't you drink?"

I shake my head at Sans. "I had a bad experience with the stuff. My friend's kind of made me drink for my birthday and I had this massive hangover. It was also gross so I promised myself I would never drink again after being forced too." I said, tapping the counter gently. "I know what would make you feel better, kid." I look at Sans, already knowing what he was going to do. 

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