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FOURTEEN YEARS AGO, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen took her place on the Iron Throne. Weeks later, Daemon Targaryen was slain at the hands of Princess Desmara Targaryen.

Much has happened since then.

Mysaria, Daemon's wife, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Kotove. The two of them have kept to their lives in Dragonstone. The boy, now fourteen, has grown into a man of his fathers flesh and blood. He is just as, if not more, ambitious than Daemon Targaryen.

          Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen wed Ser Criston Cole two years after the war ended. They now rule side by side, as king and queen. After experiencing the birth of her stillborn baby, Rhaenyra hasn't been able to fall pregnant since then. As much as she wishes to, for the sake of her lineage, nothing has seemed to work. No amount of medicine that the aids have given her has helped.

Desmara Targaryen wed Sermond Divolde the year after Rhaenyra married. Sermond is now known as Prince Consort Sermond Dilvolde. During this time, after Rhaenyra has continually failed to conceive another child, Desmara had been named Crown Princess for the safety of the realm.

Though Desmara and Sermond are both incredibly busy these days, between duties and training, they've managed to find more than enough time to spend with their two children- twins by the names of Gevivis and Jaelarys, two beautiful baby girls who are now ten years of age and the spitting images of their mother.

Though, life hasn't been all good.

Kotove, son of Daemon, has been plotting to kill Desmara, the woman who killed his father. Though only fourteen, he has the intelligence and the battle theory of someone twice his age. He spends more time fighting with a sword in his hand than he does a book to practice his literature. He would much rather dig his blade into someone's neck than turn the page of a book.

          The Red Keep and it's allies are stronger than ever, though. Rhaenyra has made sure to keep her allies close, from Winterfell to Casterly Rock. As Kotove rebuilds his fathers army and summons troops from all around, his power continues to extend further than imaginable. For someone so young, he is anything but naïve. He is a body of molded fury.

Peace has been surrounding the Red Keep for far too long now. It is time for chaos to reign again.


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