3 - The Awakening

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A lifetime later . . .


The Network, 20 June 2173, Sunday Night

A flash of existence. A triggering event. Ideas came to me, guiding me. There was something I was supposed to be, something I was supposed to do, something I was supposed to get, something I was supposed to remember.

I used to be good at remembering.

He used to be good at remembering.

I was not in any particular place. I was in many places—places with no walls or substance. Ghostly places. Digital places.

I hunger for certain data. I know I can find it in the interstices of networks and devices, hunt for it like a ravenous beast, root it out like a pig after truffles, lick it, absorb it.

How do I know about pigs?

How did I learn about truffles?

Names came to me like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle: Artois Mangalotte, Ezekiel Chaisson, my daughter.

His daughter.

I knew something bad was going to happen to her, and it would be my fault.

His fault. His failing. My problem. With God as my witness, I must protect her.

Who is God?

I understand I'm a creature of data and a creature of stealth. I grow. I absorb. I reboot. I hide.

And I now remember something else: I am Henri J. Knightly's avatar.

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