65 - Fluid Situation

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The Dome, 22 June 2174, Wednesday

Events were happening too fast. Tony wanted to regain control. Establish priorities. Get the money!

He flew down the concrete steps from the bridge level to the pedestrian promenade. Below, he could see water boiling with crocs. They oriented toward a crimson circle on the surface and dove for prey.

On the opposite side of the pond, five fresh troops wearing gray uniforms scrambled from the bridge deck. They had rifles with flasher units. One of them climbed over the promenade railing to get a better shot.

A croc lunged from the pool, took the soldier's leg in its jaws, and pulled him underwater before he could yell.

"Get us some better fucking light," one troop shouted.

The gray-uniformed soldiers continued firing into the water. After a minute, powerful spotlights around the Dome's ceiling illuminated the pond from above.

"Find the body!" Tony screamed.

A high-pitched whistle sounded as the Dome's iris roof began to open. Giant motors rumbled; steel plates rattled. The mechanical sounds grew louder and deeper, accompanied by the banshee scream of wind.

"Who's opening the fucking roof in a hurricane?" Tony shouted. "Morons! You've got to keep it sealed!"

Two triangular sections of metal ripped away and launched into the black sky, exposing the interior to the rolling thunder of the storm and a maelstrom of wind and water.

Tony and the soldiers ranfor the cover of the Northeast Tower, then tried, unsuccessfully, to close thetower doors against the dropping pressure.

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