40 - Hashing it Out

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Tony Brown's Office, 18 June 2174, Saturday Morning

We moved back into the apartment now that it had a new door. Before we left, I lied to Debra about the ring, saying I wanted to keep it for a few more days so the Bioengineering Lab at the college could run some tests. She wasn't happy but relented.

I was just back from my morning run when Tony called. He said he'd delay contract payments unless I told him everything I knew about Henri's missing assets. The threat came on a day I planned to search for new lodging. I had half a mind to tell him I decided to break the contract, but he had powerful friends who could mess me up.

No time to shower. He wanted me in his office ASAP, so I scrambled to change out of running togs into clean knee-length white shorts and a sleeveless shirt that seemed presentable.

I pleaded with Grady to stay home from soccer practice and watch Amara. He complained his team was getting ready for a big game. In my heart, I knew it was another mommy failure.

I contacted the coach and lied—told him Grady was sick. It wasn't the best solution, but I had no other alternative. What was I supposed to do? Fluffy was still at The Nautical Fix.

When I arrived at Tony's office, Colette greeted me with a veiled microaggression. "You know, Mrs. Brown, we have a side door that might be more convenient for you. The entrance is in the back of the front lobby. It'll take you straight to our floor without having to deal with crowds." She gave a quick, mirthless smile.

"First of all, it's a freight elevator," I said.

"So, it is. Next time you come, please use it. We'd appreciate that so much."

"Second of all, my last name isn't Brown."

"I thought—"

"I've changed it to Ichbindoof."

"Isn't that German for I am stupid?"

"And so you are."

She dropped the pasted smile. "Tony's expecting you. They've already started. Follow me."

Colette swished her way to the inner office door in her bright blue miniskirt, hips swaying to a rumba beat. She knocked softly, then pulled on the handle.

When I entered, I saw William Nkumbra sitting next to Tony's desk. Surprise, surprise!

On the other side of the teakwood expanse, my ex-husband looked up from the documents he was shuffling and pointed to an adjacent chair. I took his cue.

"Don't disturb us for 30 minutes," Tony said to Colette as she closed the door.

After the lock clicked shut, he looked at the two of us, tapping his fingers and clucking. His eyes wandered around the room, finally fixing on my bandaged hand. "What happened to your finger?"

"I was experimenting with an erotic manipulation, and it got the best of me."

He looked like he was about to take the bait, then shrugged. "You two have already met, so I won't bother with introductions. I thought it might be good to share what you've found about Knightly's cryptogram. Let's see where we are."

Nkumbra shook his head and looked offended. "We can't do this," he said. "It's entirely inappropriate. This office is not secure, and she doesn't have a clearance or need to know. Our team at LESA can handle the Knightly problem."

Tony's lips warped into a sneer. He kept his voice low, but there was an undertone of anger in it. "With all due respect, Bill, the President thinks you and your team are incompetent asses. You know what happened last night?"

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