5 - Tail

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Office of Brown & Associates, 2 June 2174, Thursday

"Here's your iced tea. Sorry it took so long, but I was in the middle of scheduling your appointment with the President. By the way, Mr. Haynes is waiting to see you."

Tony swiveled in his chair to see Colette carrying a tray with a drink topped with a sprig of mint. He admired the way her mini dress hugged her figure and showed off trim ebony legs.

"Lillian is gone," Tony said. "I let her out the side door. She doesn't blend in, if you know what I mean. Nothing about her blends in. Next time, bring her in the back door."

"I'll just throw this out, then."

"See if Mr. Haynes wants it. No sense wasting good tea. And show him in, please."

After a moment, a tall Black man wearing a rumpled gray suit entered. His outdated glow-tie no longer emitted light, and the knot hung low to vent heat through his unbuttoned collar. "Too damn hot outside," he said, after sipping the tea. "Thanks for the drink."

Tony motioned for him to sit. "Were you able to watch any of the meeting, Joshua? I had the feed enabled. I wanted you to see."

The man took another gulp before answering. The perspiration on his forehead seemed to merge with the sweat on the glass. "Yup. A little. This Lillian seems like a smart lady. I did a quick search a few minutes ago but didn't find much."

"I probably know more than you do at this point. She's my ex. That's strictly between me and you. Got it?"

Joshua nodded. "Understood. So, what's the deal?"

"I want you to protect my interests. Follow her around. Let me know who she talks to. Be stealthy about it, if you know what I mean."

"Anything in particular we're looking for?"

"Yeah. She's trying to smell out some money. From the Knightly estate. I want you to tell me when she finds it."

"So, you don't trust her?"

"Not really. There's too much at stake. The money's unaccounted for, which means anyone could walk away with it. I want to make sure she doesn't go rogue on me."

"Makes sense," Joshua said, swatting at a fly that buzzed around his head, missing it.

Tony looked at him with hard eyes. "And don't you get any big ideas. Remember, I work for Mangalotte. The power of the state, and all that. I can come down on you like a dump truck full of shit."

"No need to threaten me, boss. I've always been loyal." Joshua held up his glass. "Here's to opening the book on Ms. Lillian Fray."

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