59 - Soldiers

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The Dome, 22 June 2174, Wednesday, 1 am

Usher told me they would come, but the reality of it shocked me.

Grady, standing watch near the exit to the promenade, saw them first, before the Sentinel. "Soldiers!" He ran to me, puffing, out of breath. "Human soldiers. On the bridge."

I raced through the arcade, followed by Zeke and Usher. I could see human forms moving like ants across the span above. One of them fired a handgun at the nearby Sentinel. The ricochet zinged on the metal skin, but the robot seemed unaffected.

Usher hit a button near the door to the promenade. Steel louvers began to close around the glass, blocking the entrance. I twisted the ring and told one Sentinel to remain outside.

The rest of us moved back into the interior courtyard, where Usher hit another switch. Heavy glass doors sealed the connecting arcade. We heard loud banging, but the exterior steel barricade held.

"There is a utility tunnel that circles the Dome. Zeke and Grady and Amara must go there and hide," the robot said.

I shook my head. "I can't leave the children."

It touched my cheek. "Where you must go, they can't follow. You and the ring can save them."

It used a digital code to unlock a rust-stained gray door on the interior wall farthest from the arcade, then forced it open with metal fingers. The rusty hinges protested with squeaks and groans.

The dim space beyond the tunnel entrance was tall enough for grown men to walk upright, single file. Pipe and conduit racks protruded from the walls. Mold and water stains dripped from vertical surfaces to the floor. The corridor smelled like damp wood and wet athletic socks.

"It's like this for a quarter mile," it said.

I squatted down and drew the kids toward me, knowing what I had to say would be hard for them, and even harder for me. I hugged them both.

"Look at you, Grady. You're my big brave knight. And you, Amara, I think you're growing up faster than I would have ever thought. You've got to go with Zeke for now. He'll keep you safe. I have to go with Usher to do something really important. But I'll be back soon. Don't you worry."

I gave them both another squeeze and a kiss and tried not to let them see my dampening eyes. Then I let them go.

"I will turn off the overhead lights when I close the door, so soldiers don't notice," Usher said to Zeke. "Go to the left and follow the tunnel using just your flashlight. Make your way to the warehouse dock, beyond a fan vent south of the Bionics tower. If the exit is locked, wait for me. I'll try to get there and open it from the other side. And take this."

The robot plucked the blackbird logo from its chest and gave it to Zeke.

"I already extracted the key. Keep it safe. I'll be able to track you and understand your situation."

Zeke tucked the metal figure into a shirt pocket, checked the ammunition in his gun, then led Grady and Amara into the shadows. Once inside, he turned and nodded to Usher. The robot sealed the door with a clang! and began building a barrier in front of it with desks, cabinets, and equipment.

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