31 - Everything is What it Isn't

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Office of Brown & Associates, 13 June 2174, Monday

Tony felt the rough cover of the journal, textured by time and use, admired the doodle of interlocking black and white birds penned on the inside, then flipped to the first entry.

"It's Henri's writing, all right," he said, after a moment. "The bitch was holding out on me, that's for sure."

Joshua Haynes, sitting on the other side of the desk, spread a smile that exposed a gold incisor and extended a fist that held a netcard.

Tony bumped his device against Joshua's, completing the payment. "Good job."

After Haynes departed, he spent the next half hour reading through the journal, mumbling to himself, This is dynamite stuff! and This is gold! and This is my ticket!

He called the president and spoke with the avatar. "Mr. President, I've found a document that proves your granddaughter did not die in California. It also has some startling information about your daughter's death that could undermine the presidency. Shall I buy it? The cost will be steep."

The avatar showed all the emotions of an ice cube. "Can you give me more specifics, please?"

"I'm afraid not. We need to acquire the journal first. I was able to look through it before they took it back. We have a blackmail situation here. The source said they'd release multiple copies of it tomorrow unless we pay up."

"What's the price?"

"Two million."

"How do you know it's authentic?"

"I recognized Henri's handwriting. Also, the document contains details only the president would know, like what he privately discussed with Knightly during his first big political rally. He should be able to authenticate it."

"I will inform President Mangalotte. If he is interested, he will get back to you."


The holographic display evaporated. Tony put the device back in his pocket and danced in front of the window. Across the street, he could see two women in tight skirts enter the boutique, bobbing their butts as they went in.

He thrust his hips toward the glass three times, waltzed to his office door, and opened it.

"Colette, please spend the next fifteen minutes making me a perfectly chilled Sazerac. Actually, make that two. You can have the other one."

Colette, eyes on a frozen display, touched her lips with a forefinger. "Mrs. Knightly wants to talk to you and says it's urgent. Shall I say you're busy?"

He breathed a heavy sigh, pulled out his netcard again, made sure the video feed was off, then picked up the call.

"Debra! So good to hear from you again. How goes the project?" He closed the door as he listened to her reply.

Her voice was both strained and commanding. "I tried reaching you yesterday, but couldn't."

"I was vacationing with a friend. We turned off all our devices. Sorry."

"Was she pretty?"

"That wasn't appropriate, Debra. I didn't expect that from you."

"Some thugs broke into Lillian's home on Saturday while she was away, threatened her children, and stole information critical to our endeavor. I need to find out who these people are, why they did it, and stop them. Can you hire a couple of investigators? And maybe pull some strings with law enforcement?"

"I'm shocked," he said, looking out the window again, watching a young woman cross the street, fantasizing. "Is Lillian okay?"

"Yes, she and the children are fine. They're staying with me now but will go home in a couple of days. I want you to have the attackers locked up before then."

"Is Lillian any closer to finding the money?"

"I believe so, yes. She decoded another part of the message and showed it to me this morning. It's not something the thieves got, thank goodness. But as you see, the race is getting tighter."

"That's worrisome. I'll get some people on this, but it'll be expensive. Two hundred K should cover it."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone before Debra responded. "I'll get that to you, but you need to fix this fast."

He was looking through his binoculars, intrigued by a woman's outfit that exposed her midriff and the bottoms of her breasts. He liked the style, particularly the short shorts.

"Don't you worry," he said. "We'll get these guys and have them locked up. Talk to you soon."

There was a soft rap on the door and Colette stepped in carrying two drinks, cold glasses sweating with condensation. He put the binoculars down and took one of them.

"Thanks, love. I'll join you in a minute, but right now I gotta make a private call." He winked, gave her an air smooch, and closed the door as she left the office.

"Get me Joshua," he said. The netcard beeped, and a face materialized above Tony's device.

"Yeah, Boss?"

"Lillian's got more information on the money. She's staying in the Knightly mansion for a couple of days. Keep a watch on her apartment. When she returns, I want you to get me whatever she's got on Henri Knightly."

"It could get messy."

"Then you'll have to clean it up."

He ended the session, then opened the door again. "Hey hon, come in here. Help me celebrate."

The Pieces of My SelfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz