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-ˋˏ [S E P A R A T E] ˎˊ

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

WALKING DOWN the corridor and toward the library, Jellal and Loke were on Natsu's heels as they tried to speak things through to him. "Listen, how is it that some random girl who isn't in the league of our team cheerleaders, plus is a huge art nerd, captured your attention like some witch type bullshit?" Loke asked, frustrated. "It's none of your business," Natsu responded flatly as he kindly then greeted the librarian and weaved through the shelves. "It is our business, dude. If it affects how we play and could possibly impact our big game. It's our responsibility to keep you on track. If your focus is elsewhere, then it has a major influence on us and whether or not we lose." Jellal chips in, crossing his arms as they continue to follow him. Natsu sighed and rubbed his forehead as he sat by the study desks, his two friends gave each other a look as a signal to leave him be and so they did.


AFTER THE situation in the Library, Jellal took it upon himself to head to the art class where the group of females spent time together the most. He was followed by Gajeel and Loke as they quickly sped towards the females. In a hushed voice, Jellal attracted Erza's attention. "We have a situation, do you have time to spare?" He asked sweetly, cheeks faintly flushed. She gave him a small yet confused smile and motioned him to continue as the other two females appeared by her side to listen. "We feel that Natsu and (Y/n) have been spending too much time together. In three weeks it's our big game and sometime in between it's your art competition. Right now, they're focused on neither, which could cause both of our teams a big loss since they're so wrapped up in the call-backs." Jellal said.

Erza carefully considered this before furrowing her brows. "I see, what I'm hearing is you'd like to separate them from one another? Or turn them against each other to focus on their respective classes and activities."

"We're leaning more toward the second one." Loke interjected, crossing his arms.

"I think we should have separation as a plan a and turning them against one another as a plan b." Levy said thoughtfully.

"I personally don't want to get involved in a typical childish situation like this. We're all growing up to be adults and you want to cause unnecessary drama by turning two people who genuinely get along and like each other for your own selfish benefits. It's cruel and—sorry for my language—but it's fucking disgusting to do something like that when Lisanna is already out to get them. We're their friends, we aren't supposed to be plotting against them." Lucy said in frustration, grabbing her bag and storming out of the classroom.

Hesitance settled over the two groups but Mirajane nodded from beside Levy, "Let's at least give it a try, but I do ultimately agree with Lucy."

"Perfect, We'll start tomorrow at 8 AM sharp, don't be late." Laxus said firmly and turned to leave, the other guys leaving a moment later with uncertainty sinking into them.


MORNING ARISES and Levy and Gajeel met outside of the school, checking their surroundings carefully not to be seen. "Here is the laptop with the camera setup, I included a microphone that you can attach to your clothes so whoever is closest to Natsu would be able to perfectly pick up his voice and stream it through to ours. Try not to drop or break any of it." She explained. Gajeel scoffed, rolling his eyes as he took the equipment from her. "I ain't that much of a clutz," He said as he left to go his separate way. Levy groaned in silent frustration as she departed from him as well.

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