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-ˋˏ [S A B O T A G E] ˎˊ

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WHISTLES RUNG throughout the gymnasium as the team practiced, an aura of seriousness and determination surrounding each member as they followed their coach's directions while Natsu focused on making the final shot for it to be over. The boys cheered, jumping around, finally feeling as if they were getting somewhere with all the effort they'd been putting into endless exercise and long amounts of time spent. Wiping the sweat from their foreheads as they did one more practice run.


WRITING ON the chalkboard, (Y/n) explained a bit of Michelangelo's history as an artist to a group of freshman students for their class they fell behind on, making sure each student was on the same page as Mr.Reedus and Miss Porlyusica had entrusted her to do so on their behalf. Once she was sure everyone had understood, she dismissed them. Quickly taking her leave to meet Natsu as she ran down the corridor toward the music room. The two nearly bumping into one another as they reached a joint hallway, stopping in their tracks and letting out a laugh as they came face to face. "Come on, Wendy's waiting." He panted, grabbing her hand and continuing to run toward their destination.

Throughout the day, they focused on rehearsing together, joking around with Wendy on occassion. Lisanna listened through the door, clenching her fists as she turned to Laki. "We need to find a way to sabotage them." She said as she stormed away from the door. "How are we going to do that? Can't we just rehearse and do a great performance that Miss. Bisca will choose us as the lead singers?" Laki asked as she huffed and adjusted the strap of her bag. "You're joking, right? She wants a male and female lead singer, there is no way she is going to choose us as lead for the festival. We need to figure out a way to prohibit them from being able to come." Lisanna said, rubbing her chin as she stared thoughtfully at the ground. "Wait a minute, the big game is on Friday, we can arrange that the day of the call-backs is at the exact same time and date. (Y/n) won't be able to do it alone so that already sets them up for failure because she'll forfeit without Natsu." She said with a smirk.

"How're you going to pull it off in time for everyone to be aware of it being rescheduled?" Laki asked, looking at Lisanna curiously.

"Easy, by lying to Miss.Bisca. Let's go." She said, strutting toward the Drama class with Laki letting out a groan and following behind.


HEELS CLICKED on the marble stage as Lisanna followed Bisca toward a table with the papers for the festival. "Miss. Bisca, there has been some form of misunderstanding amongst students regarding the call-backs that are up and coming. They're all a bit upset in regards to the fact that we failed to mention what time and date everyone would need to be here so if I may make a recommendation for Friday around 3:30? It gives everyone time to get to the auditorium after class. Don't you think so?" Lisanna suggested with coyness.

Wendy ducked behind the piano situated on the stage, overhearing their conversation as she clutched her music sheets in her hands with her brows furrowed in frustration. "I could've sworn I put the information on the sheet itself, but perhaps I forgot. Laki, would you just pin information flyers on the bulletins of when the call-backs auditions are. I don't think I can deal with kids bombarding me with questions when there is still so much to do before the festival."

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