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-ˋˏ [M I S U N D E R S T A N D I N G] ˎˊ

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

HE BURIED his face into his hands, gritting his teeth as a heavy feeling sunk deeper into his chest. Ever since he had spoken to (Y/n) at her locker, she avoided him and looked past him as though he was invisible. Their bond had been so strong up until this point, and his heart clenched so wickedly, it was close to heartbreak. Out of frustration, he picked up a stone and used all his strength to launch it, wanting to scream as he threaded his fingers through his hair.

Footsteps hesitantly shuffled up behind him and his eyes turned toward it, they narrowed into a sharp glare as he huffed and tucked his hands into his jean pockets. "Come to celebrate your victory now that she's out of the picture? Well, congratulations, you got what you wanted." The pinkette said venomously causing his teammates to flinch at the intensity of his tone.

"Actually, we're...uh...here to have a meeting... not entirely basketball related." Romeo said carefully.

"Get on with it then," Natsu replied as his back faced them and he stared at the scenery with his arms loosely hanging over the railing of the rooftop.

"It's about us not entirely being there for one another as a team, you included. We, on the other hand, have been total assholes in the friends and teammates department. If you really want to sing, then we'll be there to support you, man. As you said, whether we win or lose we are still friends and teammates-However, that means we don't get blown off and ditched by you when we have to train and practice. Simple hobbies shouldn't have to interfere with our relationships with one another and the same harmony can be applied to our school interests. Just try not to sing like a screeching cat in a washing machine, though," Laxus said as he nudged Natsu from the side.

"This is pointless, I'm not singing anymore. (Y/n) said she isn't doing the call-backs and told me to focus on basketball. In fact, she doesn't want anything to do with me now and I don't even have a fuckin clue why or what I did." Natsu said as he slid a foot against the ground, looking at the concrete.

"We know why...but for the sake of us getting a running start if you're pissed, we're gonna ask you to sit at the bench furthest away from us." Elfman said with a nervous laugh.

Natsu raised his eyebrow and obliged.


IN ART CLASS the girls slowly slinked in as the (h/c) haired female seemed occupied with a large textbook on the art history of France. "(N/n) we urgently need to talk to you," Lucy said as she gave (Y/n) a pointed look to sit down. She hesitantly did as asked and watched as her group of friends surrounded her. "To put it shortly, Jellal came to me with a plan to separate you from Natsu due to the basketball team's fear of him getting too distracted and causing them to lose their big and final game as sophomores. We obliged in hopes that it'd make you more interested in fully committing to our club, but it was entirely selfish of us to do such a thing and we sincerely apologize." Erza said, bowing in remorse along with the other females.

(Y/n) rubbed her temple in annoyance. "As much as I appreciate the apology and explanation, it still doesn't excuse or make up for what Natsu said in that video. He made it clear as day that I mean absolutely nothing to him along with the auditions. That's that."

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