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"Hey, Bierce. Mind if I take a quick shower?"

"Go on, besides, you need it after the events from the previous realm."

As I entered the bathroom, which had seemingly appeared with a snap of Bierce's fingers, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and exasperation. The fresh new clothes were a welcome sight after the events of the previous realm, and I silently thanked Bierce for her unexpected assistance. Her comment about needing the shower was not unwarranted, considering the bizarre and unsettling experiences I had just been through.

Turning away from the bloody-eyed demon and the memories of the previous realm, I focused on the soothing sound of the water running in the shower. It was a moment of respite, a chance to wash away the remnants of that unsettling place and prepare for whatever lay ahead.

The water cascaded down my body, providing a temporary refuge from the memories that had resurfaced. I closed my eyes, trying to drown out the echoes of their heated argument that seemed to reverberate within me.

But the past was stubborn, and no amount of water could wash away the lingering emotions. I could still hear the raw pain in my mother's voice, the anger in my father's accusations. It was as if their words were etched into my mind, a haunting reminder of a pivotal moment that shattered the illusion of my parents' perfect marriage.

As the water droplets mixed with my tears, I couldn't help but wonder what had become of them. Were they still together, navigating their tumultuous relationship? Or had their paths diverged, leaving behind a wake of broken promises and shattered dreams?

I leaned against the shower wall, the cool tiles a stark contrast to the heat that had filled the room. The memories continued to play out in my mind, each word and gesture etched vividly. It was a scene I had revisited countless times, dissecting it in search of answers that remained elusive.

The sound of water was a constant companion, a soothing symphony that cocooned me in its embrace. I stayed under its stream, as if hoping that the weight of the water could somehow cleanse the heaviness within me. But as the minutes ticked by, I knew I couldn't stay in this refuge forever.

With a reluctant sigh, I turned off the shower and stepped out onto the bath mat. Droplets clung to my skin, a reminder that even in moments of vulnerability, there was a resilience that refused to be washed away.


At the age of seven, I witnessed my parents fight over something. I was in the bedroom when it happened. I could only hear yelling and screaming, the sound of shattered glass, and the slamming of doors. I had always tried to block out the memories of their fights, but this particular one stuck with me. The intensity of their voices and the fear in their eyes made me realize that something was seriously wrong.




"Evidence, you say. Then explain to me about this!"

Every word had an escalating effect, fueling the flames of their argument. Their accusations and denials reverberated through the house, leaving a tense and suffocating atmosphere. As their voices grew louder, I couldn't help but feel a knot in my stomach, knowing that this fight would have lasting consequences.

I whimpered and retreated to a corner, desperately wishing for the argument to end. The accusations were tearing apart the trust that once held their relationship together, and I feared that it may never be repaired. The air became heavy with unspoken grievances, and the weight of their words seemed to echo off the walls. Each accusation seemed to strike a deeper blow, further eroding the foundation of their once-solid bond. I longed for a resolution, a glimmer of hope that they could find common ground and mend the fractures in their relationship.

Seal the Deal ( Malak x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now