~♤Chapter 2♤~

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While driving I notice a gas station so, I park my motorcycle and head inside looking around, I grab some chips and some water and walk up to the counter "Hey, just these please." I say to the lady working, she glares at me but takes the money I give her and gives me the change back. I grab my things, walk out, sit down on the sidewalk, and open my bag of chips. "Where am I gonna stay..?" And "Where the fuck am I?" runs through my head while eating.

Once I finish eating I stand up and throw my trash away, picking up my bag back up while walking away from the gas station. I walk up to a nice looking lady who what looks to have two sons one blonde and one brunette "Excuse me miss do you know where here is? I'm a bit lost.." I ask with a slight chuckle. "Oh dear, we are near Santa Carla I believe..." The kind stranger answers with a smile, all of a sudden what looks to be her youngest son stands beside her smiling widely "Hi I'm Sam!" He says while waving excitingly.

"Hello Sam, my name's Y/N!" I say with a slight smile.


"So why are you going to Santa Carla Y/N?" Sam asks after a while of getting to know each other "Oh.. Well my parents and brother weren't the best so I ran away and decided to go to Santa Carla.." I murmur while looking at the ground. Sam looks at me sadly and I smile reassuringly at him, standing up I wince in pain. Sam quickly gets up and helps me lean against a wall "Are you okay? What's wrong?!" Sam asks me frantically and I groan pointing to my foot, I slowly start sliding down the wall now sitting on the floor. Sam sits next to me and I take off my shoe, wincing once again when I see a huge bruise on my ankle.

"Oh god, I'll go get my mom she might be able to help you!" Sam exclaims as he quickly runs off, leaving me by myself. I sigh and lean my back against the wall still sitting on the floor, I then feel someone sit next to me I turn to look to see who it is and I see that it was the brunette that was with Sam's mom. "You looked a bit lonely sitting here, hope you don't mind me keeping you company." The brunette says as he smiles at me, I nod "Yeah I don't mind, my name's Y/N what's yours?" I ask him and he replies "Oh my name is Michael, but my little brother calls me Mikey."

I chuckle and nod my head "And what did your friends call you?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders "They usually called me Micheal but some of them did call me Mikey which was...Annoying..." He says and I hum. "What about you? What did your friends call you?" He asks and my head drops down "Well.. my only friend called me Y/N/N(Your nickname)." I say sadly and Micheal nods his head, wrapping an arm around my shoulders "Well I can be your friend." He offers while smiling and I look up at him and nod my head.

"That'd be great." I chuckle and I hear footsteps running towards me, looking away from Micheal I see the kind stranger and Sam running towards me. The kind stranger kneels in front of me and smiles politely, Sam sits next to me. "Hello again dear, my name is Lucy. I am Sam's and Michael's mom, can you tell what happened to your foot?" She asks kindly and I hesitantly nod my head, explaining everything to her.

Her eyes go wide with shock and empathy and my head hangs low until I feel a hand go down under my chin lifting my head up, I see Lucy smiling sympathetically at me with her eyes filling with tears. "I am so sorry that happened to you dear.." She tells me and I sniffle my eyes filling with tears. I feel someone hugging me and I look down seeing Sam hugging me tightly, he looks up at me with sadness and I ruffle his hair making him pout making me chuckle.

I then turn to Michael to see him staring at me with sympathy and shock, making me smile reassuringly at him. He sighs and leans his head on my shoulder making me laugh, I look up and see Lucy smiling at all of us "Y/N is it okay if I help you with your ankle?" She asks me and I nod my head.

She walks over to her car and starts digging through it, she then walks back with some bandages. She kneels back down in front of me she looks at me and sighs "Y/N I need to pop your ankle back into place, I'm going to need you to stay still okay dear?" Lucy asks me and my eyes widen in shock with a bit of fear. Sam hugs me tighter and Michael holds my arm I sigh and look at Lucy who's still kneeling in front of me, I take a deep breath and nod my head making her nod her head back at me.

She places her hands on my foot and quickly pops it back into place, I scream but it gets muffled as my face gets shoved into Michael's shoulder. Lucy looks at my ankle and sighs in relief as she starts bandaging my foot, being very careful. After a couple of minutes Lucy finally finishes bandaging my ankle, I smile at her and Micheal helps me up.

Lucy looks at me and smiles back at me "How about we drive you to where you are heading and drop you off there?" She asks me and I nod my head "I'd like that but what about my motorcycle?" I ask her and point to my vehicle. "We can strap it to the back of our car, it'll be fine." She tells me and I nod my head again.


I smile and hop into the backseat with Sam and his husky Nanook who licks me as soon as I get into the car, making Sam and I laugh. I sigh in relief as my foot feels a bit better and I lay my head on the window yawning "You can go to sleep dear, just tell me where you're going." Lucy says politely and I yawn again before answering "Alright I'm heading to Santa Carla, just drop me off a couple miles away from the boardwalk." Lucy nods but it looks like she has another idea but I won't question it.

I yawn once again and I look down when I feel something on my lap, it was Nanook. I quietly chuckle and start petting his head my eyes slowly closing as I drift into sleep.

3rd Person POV
Lucy looks at the person in her back seat in pity "This never should happen to a sweet person like them, I hope they have a place to stay." Lucy thinks to herself as she faces foward and starts driving down the road. Sam is petting Nanook and mocking Micheal and Micheal is rolling his eyes but laughing quietly at Sam's impression of him.

But a figure was following the car grinning happily as they see Y/N getting along with some other people that are in their prophecy.

The figure continues following them not noticing a shadow creature following them as well....

Thanks for reading my dudes, dudettes, and doodles!

Have a good day/night!<3

Yours truly~

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