~♤Chapter 14♤~

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Paul's POV
After me and the guys got done feeding we decided to head to '超自然的叮咬' what it translates to I have no idea. I don't really focus on stuff like that I mainly just focus on their delicious food.

David walks in first and we follow I'm grinning so is Marko but he definitely beats my grin almost reminds me of the cheshire cat from a movie someone showed me before I killed them. I see Mabel quickly rush towards us and my grin turns into a brotherly smile "Hey loser!" I exclaim and Mabel just flips me off as I cackle.

"Hello Mabel, how are you?" Dwayne asks me quietly, me and the boys kinda have a brother and sister bond with Mabel we helped her through a lot and I do mean a lot. Mabel raises two thumbs up "I'm great Dwayne, I've been having fun with my new co-worker. They. are. amazing! Anyways how have you been?"

He nods and says "Some weird stuff has happened but other than that I've been good." I nod as well and Mabel asks us "The usual?" Which is answered by choruses of yes. I see Mabel write it down and take the note back to the kitchen.

Me and Marko then start talking but in the middle of our conversation I see his eyes flash purple making my eyes go wide with confusion.

"Dude your eyes-" I quickly get cut off as me and the boys see Mabel push someone out of the kitchen and all of us start to grin or smirk when we see who it is. "Looks like our night got better boys." I say quickly forgetting about Marko's eyes flashing purple and Dwayne smacks me in the back of my head making me wince and making the boys quickly laugh.

I hear Mabel yell as Y/N and her make to the front "Listen here boys, I'm leaving my best friend with you and I swear to god if you make them uncomfortable or make them cry or do anything that'll hurt them, I will hunt every one of you down and I won't be merciful. Got it?" Her face is stern and cold and me and the boys' eyes all widen in shock and in a bit of fear but we all slowly nod. The boys all start quietly laughing again making me roll my eyes.

I suddenly feel warmth on my chest and I see it's Y/N so I wrap my arms around their waist, the boys' laughter immediately stops making me grin to myself.

"HAVE FUN BUT NOT TOO MUCH FUN, I WORKED MY ASS OFF CLEANING!" I hear Mabel yell making me laugh loudly.

Mabel pushes me into someone and they manage to catch me, wrapping their arm around my waist. "HAVE FUN BUT NOT TOO MUCH, I WORKED MY ASS OFF CLEANING!" I hear Mabel yell, my face goes red as I hear the guy who's holding my waist laugh loudly. "Hey babe, nice to see you again." I look up and see it's one of the boys I've met before.. Paul!

I smile immediately once I recognize him "Hi Paul, it's nice to you again too!" "Forgetting us already darling?" I hear a voice behind me, I turn around forgetting Paul's arm that's wrapped around my. "David, It's nice to see you guys too." "How could I forget them? They're.. something." I shake my thoughts away but as I do I see Dwayne smiling softly while looking at me making me confused on what he might be smiling about.

I finally realize Paul's arm is still around me and I blush more getting out of his grip "Sorry about that Paul." I sheepishly say, Paul grins and winks at me and tells me "it's alright babe, I mean I wasn't complaining." Resulting in Dwayne hitting Paul in the back of his head.

I laugh and sit on the counter "So you guys come here often?"
Marko snickers "Such an original question, 'You come here often?' But yes we do come here often." I roll my eyes and cross my arms "Yeah, yeah whatever so how have you guys been since we last saw each other?"

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