~♤Chapter 13♤~

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It's been 30 minutes from when Mabel had her absence seizure, I'm cleaning up some tables when I hear the bell ring. I put the rag in my pocket and walk up to the register smiling, as I make it to the register I see a group of people.

Two of them look about Sammy's age and the other two look about me and Micheal's age.

"Hello there pretty lady." The boy says to me, I smile awkwardly but laugh a little under my breath as the girl hits him in the back of his head. "Quiet, I swear to god Micky you flirt with everything that's breathing!" The girl lectures him as she pinches the bridge of her nose.

She turns to me, sighs, and smiles "I am so sorry about him, he's an idiot. I'm Jade, the little boy right there is Jackson the dummy's brother but most people call him Jack, that little girl is Kate, and we'd like to order some food." I nod and say "It's alright, he's not a bother I've had worse. It's nice to meet you guys, what can I get for ya?"

She starts listing their order as I write it down, once she gets done listing I tell her that their food will be out in a couple minutes and to go sit. They all walk to a table and sit down so I turn around and start to read the order trying to memorize it.

"Um, excuse me." I hear a small voice from behind me, I turn around and look over the counter and see Katie and Jack. "What can I do for you kiddos?" I ask them politely, sticking my pencil behind my ear.

Katie pushes Jack in front of her and he blushes out nervousness and shyness, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt he tells me "W-Well Katie and I j-just wanted to tell you that you look s-super cool! You kinda look like a superhero!" He and Katie smile widely at me.

"Awe, they're so sweet." I think to myself as I look down at them and say "Thank you Jack and Katie, you wanna know something?" They nod and I walk out from behind the counter, crouching in front of them.

"From a superhero themselves, I would say you guys also look like superheros and look very cool." I smile sweetly at them and their faces light up. Katie looks up at me and replies with "Really!? Thank you!" Jack grins and runs over to Micky and Jade.

I nod to them and tell Katie "You might wanna go back to your table." She nods and runs back over to the table. I stand up and go back behind the counter getting their order ready.


I finally finished their order and walk over to their table carrying everything, I put their food down on the table and say "Enjoy your food guys, come again." They all say thank you but before I could leave Jade grabs my arm stopping me and says "We were talking and we were wondering if you'd like to hangout with us after your shift? Jack and Katie already love you and they don't usually warm up to people that fast."

I reply back as Jade lets go of my arm "Of course, I'll meet you guys by Benny's Bodacious ice-cream parlor." They all smile and start to eat their food. I walk back to the counter and jump when I see Mabel standing there jumping up and down excitingly with a big grin on her face.

I raise one of my eyebrows in confusion "What is it Mabel?" She grabs my shoulders and starts shaking me "You made friends! EEE, I'm so happy for you!" She squeaks and I roll my eyes playfully and pretend to be sad.

"What, so you thought I wouldn't be able to make friends I feel so betrayed Mabel!" I put the back of my hand on my forehead, frowning. Mabel rolls her eyes but plays along "Nooo, I'm sorry please forgive me... I didn't mean it!" She puts her hands together. I wipe a fake tear from my eye and sniffle "Oh well if you insist, I forgive you!"

Mabel and I stare at each for a couple of seconds until we both burst out laughing.

Mabel wipes a tear from her eye as she laughed too hard, she sighs happily and says "We should probably get back to work, we don't get paid for nothing!" I nod and go into the kitchen, counting the ingredients in case we have enough.

Mabel's POV
I smile widely and continue doing my job until I hear the bell ring, I look up from what I'm doing and see four boys.

"Ooo the regulars are here, I might introduce them to Y/N. I mean they all are in Grandma Ana's prophecy so I'd technically be helping things go quicker right?...."

"Hello Mabel, how are you?" Dwayne asks me quietly, me and the boys kinda have a brother and sister bond they all have helped me through a lot. I raise two thumbs up "I'm great Dwayne, I've been having fun with my new co-worker. They. are. amazing! Anyways how have you been?"

He nods and says "Some weird stuff has happened but other than that I've been good." I nod as well and ask the boys "The usual?" Which is answered by choruses of yes. I write it down and take the note back to the kitchen to see Y/N sitting on a crate with their head in their hands.

I run to them in concern and put my hand on their back "Y/N sweetheart, are you okay?! What happened?!" They look up at me and I see their eyes flash a deep purple and I quietly gasp. They answer me after a couple minutes of silence "I'm okay? I don't know I must be a little tired or something." I nod and rub their back trying to comfort them the best I can.

"Do you want to go home?" I ask in concern, Y/N shakes their head and I sigh. "Well why don't you hangout at the front for a bit while I make this order and I can take you home after.. NO buts and that's final." I say sternly and they nod. I smile, take their arm, and help them stand up walking them to the front.

I yell as Y/N and I make it to the front "Listen here boys, I'm leaving my best friend with you and I swear to god if you make them uncomfortable or make them cry or do anything that'll hurt them, I will hunt every one of you down and I won't be merciful. Got it?" My face is stern and cold and I can see all the boys' eyes widen in fear, they all slowly nod.

I smile once again and look at Y/N to see them looking at me with surprise, I look back at them confused "What did I say something?" Y/N shakes their head as they say "Nothing it's just... You think I'm your best friend?" I immediately hug them tightly and practically scream "You are the first person to actually deal with my so called 'weirdness' as people call it so yes I think of you as my best friend."

I hear a cough behind me and I roll my eyes and mumble "Besides the boys." I grab Y/N's arm and lightly push them into the boys as I leave, with my back turned I yell "HAVE FUN BUT NOT TOO MUCH, I WORKED MY ASS OFF CLEANING!"

I hear laughter as I enter the kitchen.

Thanks for reading my dudes, dudettes, and doodles!

Have a good day/night!<3

Yours truly~

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