~♤Chapter 19♤~

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*Cue the dramatic entrance music*
Hello my wonderful readers, I am back! I apologize for being gone for such a long time so I decided to give you a longer chapter than I usually do.

I just wanted to thank you all for 4.46k reads, seriously this is a dream come true I never thought I would make it this far. This account has kept me going through my bad days and made me feel so much better!

So, basically thank you guys so much my dream never would've came true if it wasn't for you.

Now let's get to the chapter!

David's POV
I sigh and watch Dwayne sit down, my face is stern and straight. The boys and I need to discuss on how we tell Y/N that we are vampires but it's easier said then done. "So, how do you think we should tell them? If it was up to me I would just say 'We're vampires.' and be done with it." Paul asks as he stays laying down on the floor, looking up at the roof of the cave and Marko replies while grinning "That's why it isn't up to you bud."

I rub my temples in annoyance and Dwayne is just staring at the two with a straight face, making the two boys shrug their shoulders. I then hear Dwayne suggest something that I agree with "What if we just gently lay it onto them, like say 'Listen we won't hurt you but we are vampires.' It would be better then pothead's idea." Paul pouts and rolls his eyes still looking up at the roof of the cave. "I agree with Dwayne's idea, we're gonna do that." I say as I get up from the old wheelchair I like to sit on and walk towards a small hole behind a cloth I put there.

The hole hid a book and a small vial of blood, my smirk slightly widens when I see the two items. I reach my hand in and grab the book wiping the spider webs and dust off it, you see I found this book when I was searching through Max's house on a daily 'visit'. I walk back to my seat and sit back down with the book on my lap, the boys look at the book then at me.

I pick up the book in my hand and slightly wave it side to side the smirk still on my face "Supernatural beings and How to identify them." I say as I show them the front cover of the book. Mark and Paul's eyes both go wide but Dwayne just grins at the book and nods, I nod my head back at him "This book will help with our plan, I stole this from Max's place when we went for a 'visit'." I inform them as I take open the book to page 125 titled 'Vampires.'

"Just in case Y/N doesn't believe us we will just give them this book and let them read it." I remark and show them the page, they nod. We all continue talking adding some different parts to the plan just in case but we all stop talking when we hear a yell "DWAYNE, I'M DONE!" We all look at each other until Dwayne stands up and walks into the direction of where he took Y/N. Marko and Paul start talking as I stay quiet reading the page I opened too.

Dwayne's POV
I quickly walk into the dark hallway and make it to the place I left Y/N to get dressed in "Hey Y/N, I'm here." I called, making sure to let them know I'm here. I hear some stuff shuffling before I see the curtain move out of the way that was blocking my view and my jaw almost drops when I see how Y/N looked.

They looked mesmerizing..(A/N: SIDE NOTE ALL OF YOU ARE GORGEOUS, HANDSOME, BEAUTIFUL, AND AMAZING NO MATTER WHAT!<33)"You look... amazing." I clear my throat and they smile at me, I smile back at them and stick out my hand letting them take it. "Thank you Dwayne, I appreciate it." Y/N thanks me, their voice is soft and silky and I could swear I felt my undead heart beat once again. I nod my head at them and start walking down the dark hall with their hand in mine smiling contently.

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