~♤Chapter 7♤~

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A/N: Time skip from the last chapter.

3rd Person POV
Y/N wakes up under the boardwalk and stretches then gets up and puts the blanket they were wearing in their back pack. "Okay all I need is a place to stay and then I should be good!" Y/N exclaims in their head. They walk out from under the boardwalk, and check up on their bike making sure it was still okay and then walked up the steps of the boardwalk, starting to walk down the long boardwalk looking around.

I sigh as I keep looking around the boardwalk to see if there's a place I could stay at but no luck. While looking I see a little boy in front of a video store so I walk up to him. "Hey little man what are you doing here by yourself? Where's your mommy?" I ask the little boy with a soft smile.

"U-Um I don't k-know..." The little boy starts to cry. I grab his hand and ask another question.

"What's your name little man?" I ask with a soft tone. "My n-name is Terry.." Terry murmurs. "Well Terry why don't we wait for momma in the store?" I ask Terry.

"U-Um okay..." Terry replies, so I grab his hand and walk into the video store.

"Okay buddy we're gonna wait here for a little bit." I tell Terry, he nods. "TERRY!?!? TERRY!?!?" I hear frantic yelling coming from outside. I walk out with Terry still holding his hand and yell.

"TERRY'S OVER HERE!". A lady runs up to me and looks down at Terry "Oh thank you, thank you!" The lady exclaims grabbing Terry's hand while hugging me.

"You're welcome ma'am I can't have a sweet little boy like him ending up on a missing poster." I say with a small smile. "Thank you again dear, let's go Terry." The lady says again walking away with Terry but Terry turns to look back at me and waves frantically while smiling widely making me wave back at him as he dissappears in sight with his mom.

"What you did was very kind of you." I jump as I hear a voice behind me, so I turn around and see a man with brunette hair and glasses.

"I just didn't want that boy to go missing who knows what could've happened to him if I ignored him.." I say picking at my fingernails, smiling softly.

"Certainly.. Well I'm Max the owner of this video store." He says with a small smile. "Oh hello Max I'm Y/N!" I say with a smile. "I'm guessing you're a runaway?" Max asks with a raised eyebrow as he looked at my backpack. I sheepishly nod "Yea, family was a bunch of crap." I say with a bored tone.

"Ah I see, well since you did a kind thing for that boy I'll do something kind in return..." Max says with a grin. "What would that be?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "I have an empty room in my house you could take up that space!" Max answers with a grin.

"I would love to stay with you Max.." I say with a smile.

"I hope he isn't like my family..." I think sadly..

"Why don't you go explore a bit more of the boardwalk and come around about three or to five hours from now." Max says with a small smile. "Okay, thank you Max for your kindness." I say with a wide smile walking out the store.

Max's POV
I walk into the back of the store and enter my office. I'm met with a shadowy figure in my chair "Hello Max, I see you met them." "Yes, Yes I have they were very kind and thank you for this." I say while looking down at the ring I am wearing.

"Do not worry Max they will be more powerful then you will ever know, they just need time." The shadowy figure says. I sigh "I know but that's what's worrying me... Will they even be able to control it?"

The shadowy figure replies "They will be able to control it Max.. like I said do not worry I will handle the rest.."

"Very well.. I will give you a report soon.. Goodbye.." I say with a small smile.

"Goodbye Max.." The shadowy figure says as it disappears.
Y/N is about 17 or 18 in this story but you can change their age if you want. Also the ring Max has is an enchanted ring so he is able to be out in sunlight(he hasn't told the boys about it). Anyways...

Thanks for reading my dudes, dudettes, and doodles!

Have a good day/night!<3

Yours truly~

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