~♤Chapter 6♤~

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I wake up sometime in the morning, I stretch trying to wake up and I stand up picking up my bag and opening it picking up my blanket, putting it in the bag and zipping it up then putting it on my shoulder. I walk along the boardwalk and I come across a Chinese food place so I walk in and ask the worker if they have a bathroom. "Hi I'm Mabel, what can I do for you?" She says and I laugh nervously "Um I was hoping for a job?" I ask her and she nods her head excitingly "Of course! I figured you needed some source of income, not being mean though!" Mabel exclaims loudly and I laugh softly. "Could I maybe get dressed?" I ask her quietly and she nods her head smiling widely pointing to a bathroom sign.

"Thanks Mabel.." I say while walking to the bathroom getting inside a stall and getting dressed. I walk out the bathroom and walk up to Mabel. "So, do I need to have an interview or?" I ask nervously.

"Hm.. Are you gonna be kind to the customers? Are you gonna show up in time? And why do you want to work here?" She asks with a smile. "Of course I'll be kind to customers, I will show up on time, and I wanna work here because I rather not live out on the streets but I also never got to have my own kind of money without it getting taken... so I usually hid it.." I answer the questions nervously.

"Oh and what's your name?" She asks lastly. "Oh it's Y/N!" I answer with a smile. "Lovely to meet you Y/N!" She says with a bit of excitement. "Can I ask why you asked me for my name?" I ask with a questioning stare. "Oh well you're hired and I love to get to know my co-workers!" She exclaims happily.

"Yes!" I think happily while smiling. "Awesome! But I need to go it was lovely meeting you Mabel.." I say happily. "Goodbye Y/N!" She says while waving goodbye.

I walk out the Chinese food place and I walk down the boardwalk with a smile on my face.

Mabel's POV
After Y/N leaves I walk into the back of the store and I open a door. "Hello Grandma Ana I met the person in your prophecy they were really nice!" I exclaim to my grandma. "What was their name dear one?" Grandma Ana asks.. "Oh their name is Y/N!" I answer happily.

"Ah, Y/N such an amazing name... Go rest child I will be there soon.." Grandma Ana says. "Yes Grandma Ana.. Goodnight." I say while walking out the back and out the store.

Grandma Ana's POV
"Perfect now their prophecy is set in place!" I think excitingly. "Fret not my child for I still will help you on this adventure..." I say while walking out the back and out the store.

Thanks for reading my dudes, dudettes, and doodles!

Have a good day/night!<3

Yours truly~

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