Chapter Eight: The Caylens

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*Jenna's POV*
"Hey there little sister!" JC yelled to wake me

"JC!" I jumped up and quickly hugged him

"I missed you so much" we said in unison

"Jinks!" We yelled

"Double jinks"

"Triple jinks!" We yelled

"Quadruple jinks" we laughed before mom came and interrupted our little jinks fit

"Heya mom!" I laughed an ugly laugh with a slight snort

"Nice to see you kids getting along" she smiled

"Yes mom!" JC hugged her for most likely the seventh time

"So, wanna make a video for my channel?" He asked excitedly

"Yes, what about" I questioned

"The sibling tag, with you and Alli"


"What why? just 'oh'"

"The girl I babysit her boyfriend broke up with Alli and now is dating her. But he never actually broke up with her, Alli wants to break the girl" I whispered so Alli wouldn't hear me because she was in one room over

"Well before filming we must confront her and tell mom. What she's doing isn't right and it's bullying. I won't stand for it. Call over the girl and her family okay. Also call over Alli's boyfriend and his family. They'll have to apologize. The we can film" he smiled gently and sweetly

Me: Hey babe I need you to bring your family over. It's very important :)

Linky: okay... Is it about Locke and Lil?

I sighed and then emailed Rhett.

Dear second mythical boss,

Me and my family have an issue and it needs to be addressed immediately. Please meet at my house in ten minutes. I'm also very sorry about last night and I'm happy for you and Noah though I don't think it's right to be cheating on your wife. Even though Link did it, it was only once and it won't happen again because his family needs him like your family needs you. So what ever is happening in your life you need to make a decision between Jessie and Noah. But please me at my house in ten and bring your whole family. Including Locke and Shepherd.

-Jenna Caylen

And send.

"Mom!" I yelled to my very patient mother

"Yes dear" she replied trying a dish while she walked into the living room

"I'm inviting my bosses and their families over for a barbecue" I informed her

"Ok, it's be nice to meet them" she smiled and nodded before leaving

--ten minutes later--
Where are they. They should be here by now.

"Hey Jen where's your bosses and kids?" JC asked impatiently

"I don't know" I nervously replied

Ding dong

They are here, oh how am I gonna do this.

"Hello, I'm Mrs.Caylen but please call me Veronica and this is George, Allison, Justin and you already know Jenna" mom introduced herself and the rest of our family.

"Hi I'm Charles this is Christy, Lily, Lincoln and Lando" Link smiled his cute smirk then Rhett introduced his family, Locke seemed very uncomfortable.

"Nice to meet you all, let's go out back" dad said happily. after twenty minutes or so of my dad talking to Link and Rhett, JC nodded giving me the signal to rat out Alli.

"Can everyone please listen to me? I have something very important to say" I yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What is it dear?" Mom asked concerned for my well being and Link just looked up at me and I got lost in his gorgeous blue eyes

"Honey?" Mom implied that she's getting impatient

"Oh yeah, um there's some really dirty drama going on between all three kids Alli, Locke and Lily. Alli and Locke have been dating as soon as we moved but Alli hates Lily so she asked Locke to pretend to break up with her so he could date Lily. But he's going to make her feel so in love then break her heart" I said clearly and honestly
Everyone looked shocked, angry an Lily looked really upset. Locke and Alli glared at me

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