Long ago, maybe about a hundred years ago,
There were three races. Humans, Hybrids, and Natures.
They lived in peace; Humans and Hybrids worked together to maintain Natures and in turn, Natures provided them substance to live.
The soul traits tribes worked together to keep peace in the land.

The Determination Tribe allowed them to learn and prepare. They ruled over the lands, such as prophets, priests, and kings.
The Bravery Tribe always found the best ways to create defenses and weapons.
The Justice Tribe served as war captains and soldiers.
The Kindness Tribe tilled the lands and let things grow, like a farmer.
The Patience Tribe served as messengers and judges, similar to today's congress.
The Integrity Tribe served as the peace keepers, in today's world, they would be known as police men. They also helped the Patience Tribe when people went on trial.
The Perseverance Tribe would serve as scouts in the military, or disaster keepers, such as today's firemen.

They all worked together to keep each other alive. As years passed, Humans started to discriminate against the Hybrids. Over time, it got so bad, they left.
Upon hearing about this, the Patience Tribe convinced Natures to trap them.
Natures were deceived, and trapped the Hybrids underground with a barrier.
Though Natures realized their mistake, the barrier could not be broken. Instead, Natures gave that which would allow them to survive.

The Determination Tribe gave the royal a single save star to allow them to progress.
The Bravery Tribe gave materials to build houses and a temple.
The Justice Tribe gave them the Deltarune symbol, vowing to always be there when the family requested of it.
The Kindness Tribe gave seeds and sent animals.
The Patience Tribe gave them materials such as books and paper to record history.
The Integrity Tribe promised care would be given as long as they had respect for Nature.
The Perseverance Tribe gave them a very old tree, which serves as both the barrier and the communicator to the outside world.

With the Hybrids gone, Humans progressed too quickly, domesticating and controlling Natures. Natures retreated to forests, mountains, and valleys. They made these places inhabitable to Humans, as to protect themselves.

The three races now live in separation, possibly forever.

There are three soul cases, and seven soul traits.
Cases represent the overarching race, traits represent your abilities.

There are three soul cases: Heart, Foliate, and Dextrocardia.
The hearts belongs to the Humans, who's case appeared to be made of glass.
The foliate belongs to the Natures, who's case looked as green stained glass.
The dextrocardia belongs to Hybrids, who's case looked like foggy glass.

Hearts look like heart shapes.
Foliates look like oak leaves.
Dextrocardias look like an upside-down heart shape.

There are seven soul traits: Determination, Patience, Justice, Bravery, Integrity, Kindness, and Perseverance.

Possibly the strongest soul type.
Unique Ability: Progression, this is why our economy can change.
Unique Disability: Attachment, they become attached to often disregarded objects.

May prove to be the most dangerous.
Unique Ability: Persuasion of others.
Unique Disability: Detachment, they rarely hold onto anything inanimate.

Often single minded, but also loyal.
Unique Ability: Much higher attack and knowledge of attacks.
Unique Disability: Much lower defense and low understanding of creation.

Open minded, and very protective.
Unique Ability: Much higher defense and knowledge of defenses.
Unique Disability: Much lower attack and low understanding of how to fight.

By far the most trustworthy.
Unique Ability: Better at detecting a lie.
Unique Disability: Rarely convincing when telling a lie (even a white lie)

Most connected to natures, some may even speak their language.
Unique Ability: Boosting crops to grow more, faster and more efficiently.
Unique Disability: Loss of magic, they grow very tired very quickly.

The weakest soul type.
Unique Ability: A second chance at life, under certain circumstances.
Unique Disability: Much lower health.

Not a soul trait.
The soul Perseverance has after being killed once.
Is simply an empty soul case.
Auras are normally seen as grey.

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