Chapter Seventeen

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(July 2, 2014) (Tamuz 4) (Wednesday)

This was it.

Chara went through everything she had. At least, everything left.

Clothing. She carefully rolled and packed four sets, leaving the rest alone.

The flower (which was all but dead), wilted and brown from crying over the farmer. She watered it a last time. It did nothing, the green aura flickering low. She started singing,

God be with you till we meet again;

By his counsels guide, uphold you;

Books. The only ones she owned, and took, were the Bible and her Book of Mormon. His name was engraved onto both, gold letters on brown. She also took her father's pocket sized hymn book. He never went anywhere without it, and it was still stained with his blood; it was the only object that had survived the crash. As for the three library books, she left them on the bed so they would be found.

With his sheep securely fold you.

God be with you till we meet again.

Pictures. She didn't have many, but Ms.Laura had printed pictures of her and Kade. She took two: one being just the two of them, the other also having Austin.

She had a few slightly damaged and sun-bleached pictures of the farm, and took those with a few pressed flowers.

She had two of her and her father. One on the farm, the other taken only weeks ago.

The last she took: a picture of her two parents, right after their wedding. They were surrounded by golden flowers.

Till we meet, till we meet,

Till we meet at Jesus' feet,

She took a Rubix cube, a gift from Kade. A topaz necklace, a gift from her father. A compass, from Austin. A broken watch, from Mr.Russel. She took her library card, the names of the storyteller and librarians written neatly n white spaces.

Till we meet, till we meet,

God be with you till we meet again.

The pictures, flowers, and library card were placed inside her scriptures.

God be with you till we meet again;

When life's perils thick confound you,

Her scriptures, hymn book, and Rubix cube wrapped carefully in clothing.

Put his arms unfailing round you.

God be with you till we meet again.

The clothing tucked neatly in the bottom of the bag. Sustainable foods followed.

God be with you till we meet again;

Keep love's banner floating o'er you;

The topaz went around her neck and the watch on her wrist, both hidden by her clothing.

Smite death's threat'ning wave before you.

God be with you till we meet again.

She was ready to leave, but her flower was still here. Her closest friend; the only one who understood her pain.

She held the flower in her arms now, singing it to sleep in the warm sun. It's aura basically non-existent, she would wait until it was gone.

She did cry; over the flower, over her father, over her friends. Then the flower was dead, the song was over, and her tears were spent.

She set the letter on her bed, snuck quietly down the stairs and slipped out the doors. She tossed the dead flower into the river, watching is flow out of sight, and then standing there longer. Then she took a deep breath, and walked to the bus stop.

She made her way for the mountains, compass in hand. The bus was quiet, and she knew only how to sing her life to sleep. Just as she had done leaving the farm. Just as she had done at her father's funeral.

Her last goodbye.

Till we meet, till we meet,

Till we meet at Jesus' feet,

Till we meet, till we meet,

God be with you till we meet again.

Chara stopped at the hole. It had been a surprisingly short trip. Had they really been this close?

She carefully leaned over to peer in.

Golden flowers. Large, bright, healthy. Green auras. She hadn't seen them like this since the farm. She stared in awe, wondering how they had gotten there. As she pondered this, a small white head popped out from the flowers. Then green shoulders. Red aura.

"Hey," she called.

The creature didn't seem to hear. They were talking to someone -- or something -- in the distance.


Their head shot up, looking at her. The creature waved. "Hello! Are you coming down?"

She hesitated. "IS IT SAFE?"

"Don't worry, the flowers will catch you. Just make sure you land on your back."

Chara didn't know if she trusted them, but they were undoubtedly a hybrid. She looked at a nearby butterfly. "Is it safe?"

It just watched.

Turning back to the hole, she removed her backpack, and jumped down with it in hand. As she fell, she turned around so she was looking up at the sky. She let go of her bag. Chara caught a glimpse of the butterfly just before being swallowed by flowers.

There was nothing but gold for what seemed like a long time. Then, suddenly, the young hybrid came into view, not far from her face. "Welcome to the Ruins!"

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