Chapter one

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"FUCK YEAH!" I pumped my fists into the air as the ball hit the net.

"Good kick, YN!" My teammate cheered as someone else helped the goalie up.

"Alright, time for a cool down before practice ends. Start on those laps!"

We took off as the coach blew the whistle.

After practice, I made my way home.

I grinned as my house came into view.

My family is middle class, borderline poor. Definitely not rich. We make enough to live comfortably, but paying for Jhigh has made it a TINY BIT difficult. That's alright though. My parents don't mind. They say it's worth it. Plus, I got a part time job to help out.

Dad stood up and wiped the sweat and dirt from his face.

"Hey, dad!" I waved and he looked up at me.

"Hey there, bud! You back already?" He stood up and dusted himself off.

"Yeah, it's seven in the evening, dad! I always get home at seven!"

"I guess I lost track of time planting these new flowers. They're your mother's favorite you know." He smiled and looked down at his work proudly.

"Ew, you two are so gross with your lovey dovey stuff." I jokingly stuck my tongue out.

"Go make sure your mom knows dinner is ready. She's been working all day. And she probably won't stop unless we drag her to eat." I nodded

I ran inside, tossed my backpack aside, kicked off my shoes, and ran to find my mom.

It wasn't hard, she's always living room, going over papers, bills, and taxes.

"Mom, Dad is gonna shower and then we're having dinner. So start working on smaller piles. No more big piles! Every time you start a big pile before dinner, you don't eat till 11!"

"Oh, hi honey! How was practice and school?" She got up and hugged me as if it had been years since she last saw me.

"It was fun! I got my report card, look!"

I handed her the paper.

"Oh wow! A+, A+, A, B+, wait, why do you still have a C+ in math?"

"Can't you just be happy I'm passing!?"

"Of course, I'm proud honey! Just put in a little more effort in math. Now go shower, you're a bit stinky."

yandere Gun x Fem Reader: Your Mother Loves MeWhere stories live. Discover now