Gun's POV

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She doesn't have very many places to hide here.

I can't help it.

She's beautiful.

But she doesn't know me yet. I tried to get closer to her window earlier but I spooked her. I can't see her with her curtains shut.

How annoying.

I have to get her to open them.

But I don't wanna set her off either.

I crept closer to the window and picked up a rock and threw it.


I backed behind the tree. 

There was a moment of no movement but then her face appeared.

She looked so scared, but oh how cute. Look at her trying to look so brave. Ready to confront whoever is bothering her.

Thank god I let Goo drag me out of bed since he didn't wanna eat alone.

That's where I met her. She looked so beautiful, and half asleep. I knew I needed her then.

She was made for me.

The noise of the window opening brought me out of my thoughts.

"Mr. Nibbles, what are you doing? It's late, either come in or stay quiet! Quit the acorn throwing!"

Mr. Nibbles?

A squirrel appeared and looked like he'd been awoken just a minute ago.

"Don't play dumb. Now get in here!"

He chirped back and his tail twitched.

"Fine, come in when you're ready."

She left the window open the tiniest bit.

It's almost like I'm being given these chances by fate.

It would be a horrible waste to let it slide.

I climbed up the tree and sat on the branch.

I can't go in just yet. She's still awake.

I'll have to wait and remember how far to close it.

I waited until I heard snoring to slowly lift up the window.
Her room was small and a bit messy. Some clothes were scattered across the floor and makeup lay across her vanity.

Her soft snores were so comforting.

I wonder if she has a boyfriend?

Maybe I should investigate.

I can't have anyone else in her life. Not like that anyways.

Her clothes were pretty basic. School uniform, soccer uniform, clothes to go out, two dresses, three skirts, all boring.

But there has to be more.

This is nothing like what YN wore when we first met.

She must have a secret stash.

I looked around.

If I was a 17 year old girl, where would I hide stuff from my conservative and religious mom?

I walked around, listening carefully until I heard it. A hollow spot under the wooden floor.

I lifted the slab of wood and looked around. She had her more revealing clothes as well as some sexy lingerie.

I definitely need to see her wear these for me.

But there was more.

There was a small box under all the clothes.

I pulled it out and noticed it was a Converse shoe box.

I pulled the lid off and my eyes widened.

There were a few vibrators, a dildo, and lube.

I felt my pants get tight as I picked up a small purple vibrator.

I checked the levels and snorted.

It was cheap. She probably doesn't get much fun out of this.

I'll have to buy her a new one.

I closed the box and put everything away.

She has to have someone to wear those lacy panties for right now... but from now on, I'll make sure she only wears them for me. Me and only me.

The bed creaked and YN sat up.

She rubbed her eyes and yawned before freezing.

She let out a scream of terror and I jumped up.

God damn it, I didn't get to check the rest of her house out!

I ran over and slammed a pillow against her face and looked around for a hiding spot.

She continued to scream and I heard her parents running over.

I bolted into the closet and hid under some clothes.



"Honey, it was just a nightmare. Calm down, there's no one here!"

"No, there was!"

"It was just a nightmare. Come on, you can sleep in our room tonight."

She argued a bit more but left with them. I heard their door closed.

Fucking damn it, that was to close.

yandere Gun x Fem Reader: Your Mother Loves MeWhere stories live. Discover now