I'll Be Watching

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It's time to sleep. I've been here a few days and Gun insisted I sleep in his bed.

I was too nervous to complain.

He's been keeping me close all day. He took me shopping and bought everything I looked at.

I'm not sure how his card could still swipe.

Not once did it decline.

At the fancy restaurant, he insisted on cutting my food for me and being the only one to talk to the waiter.

If the waiter tried to talk to me, Gun made his annoyance known.

During the movie we watched in his theater, he insisted I sat on his lap and nowhere else.

He's scaring me more and more.

How possessive he gets.

I don't like him.

He pulled me closer and I felt his hot breath tickle my ear.

"Who are you thinking about?"

"No one."

"Is it a boy?"


"Don't lie to me." I felt his hold on me tighten.

"It's you."

He loosened his grip and hummed happily.

"What about."

"About today."

"Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yes." I answered trying to hide my nerves.

"Good. Now go to sleep."

"Okay." I closed my eyes but it's impossible to sleep when you have a creepy stranger breathing down your neck.

Is he even sleeping? I feel watched.

I want to go home.

"I know."

I jumped. It's been about an hour since he talked.

The clock reads 6:45 am.

"You know what?"

"That you play with yourself." I felt his cold hand slip under my shirt and rub my side.

"Excuse me!?" I tried to sit up but I was pulled down and Gun climbed onto me, holding my wrists beside each side of my head.

"I know you play with yourself. I know your toys suck. I bought you some better ones."

"Let go of me, you're crazy!"

"One day, maybe not today, but one day, I know you'll be using them and I'll be watching."

I began to cry and felt his lips on my cheek.

"Don't cry. You'll be more comfortable around me then. Don't worry. I can't wait."

(Short chapter but HAHAHAHA!)

yandere Gun x Fem Reader: Your Mother Loves MeWhere stories live. Discover now