I'm Not Going

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"YN, you need to thank your friend, we both do!"


"What do you mean why?! He's helping us out financially! He's paying our rent for a year, paying out bills and making sure we have food on the table!" She burst into tears.


"He's helping us in ways we've always needed! We're gonna be okay YN! He's even moved your father to a top hospital! The best hospital available in Korea! Do you know what this means!? He might be okay! Your father might be okay! Oh my god, I can't thank you enough, Mr. Gun!"

She threw her arms around his neck sobbing.

"Mom, please..."

She didn't hear me. I was to quiet.

There's something about this Gun guy. He shouldn't be here...

"Come give him a hug!"

I froze.

Hug...hug, no. I don't wanna hug him.

"YN, come hug him!"



I didn't want to but I slowly stepped toward Gun and leaned down to hug him.

"Thank you."

My mom just doesn't want me to seem ungrateful.

It's okay.

I understand.

Gun hugged me back and rubbed my back.

"Anything for you, YN."

That sent a shiver down my spine.

"Honey, come here. Sit next to me."

I pulled away from him and sat next to my mom.

She turned her back to Gun, holding my face in her hands.

"I know you've been very stressed lately, it breaks my heart to hear you crying all night and I should have been a better mom and comforted you. I'm so sorry I didn't, I was crying too. I wish I could have been stronger. But Gun said he's gonna take you on a trip to get your head off the situation."

"What!? Mom, no! I don't even know hi-"

"YN, it's okay. I know you don't wanna leave me alone, but your aunt is coming over to help me around the house. It's time I act like your mom and you act like the kid. It's only right. I want you to go with your friend and have fun. Okay?"

"Mom, please!"

"Go pack. You're going for a week."

She looked so happy, I couldn't argue.

After packing my bag, Gun handed my mom a bag of money.

This is giving One Direction vibes...

After about 15 minutes of driving, I looked at him.

"Who are you?" My voice was shaky with fear.

"My name is Gun Jong Park."

"Why are you...who... where are we going? How did you know where I live? How did you know we're struggling? Are you stalking us?"

"Wow, you have a lot of questions. I'll answer them all later."

"No!" I gulped. "I want you to answer me now. I only came to make my mom happy. But I don't know you. I'm not afraid to scream."

He chuckled.

"The car is soundproof. But I'm just a friend. We met before."

"Twice! Once we met by passing the other time I scanned your items! I don't know you! You're freaking me out!"

"Do you drink?"


"Do you drink?"


"I have a great assortment of alcohol at my vacation home, but I want to make sure I have what you like. It's only right."

"I usually drink whatever I can get my hands on. I'm not picky..."

"Good. You're probably used to cheep drinks. You'll learn what real alcohol is soon."

yandere Gun x Fem Reader: Your Mother Loves MeWhere stories live. Discover now