PROLOGUE: Jeff Bezos - The man. The myth. The legend. date?

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You looked around the room nervously. You hadn't been sure about going to this class, but one of your friends had urged you to go, saying "it will be fun!"

Of course, it wasn't, and that was how you had ended up in a dark classroom that smelled like Windex. It was 8:13 at night in a stuffy room filled with other people, listening to an ancient old man wheeze on and on about multi-level marketing.

"Multilevel marketing is a legitimate business strategy used by some direct sales companies to sell products and services..." The man at the lectern in front droned on in a voice like stale crackers and rough gravel. You tried to tune him out, choosing to instead observe the people around you.

"You know, I thought this would be much more fun," the man next to you said. He ran a hand over the smooth surface of his bald head, resting it on the back of his neck. His bashful smile glinted with a flash of straight white teeth, hiding behind pink, petal-soft lips.
"Me too," you said with a sigh. "There are so many other things I could be doing right now. I can't believe my friend talked me into this."

"I suppose so," the man said with his polished, aristocratic voice. He offered you his hand. "If you wanted, we could leave right now, you know. Go get dinner, if you would like."

In the background, the old man grated on endlessly, the words fading into nothing but a backdrop of noise. "...participants are paid a percentage of their Recruits' sales, meaning it is a pyramid scheme disguised as a legal marketing strategy, focused on roping more Recruits into the system..."

"We just met," you said.
"That's correct."
"You're a stranger. I don't know you!"
"Not yet. You could, though, if you wanted to."
"I don't even know your name!"

That got a laugh out of the man, warm and rich and rolling. "Jeffrey. Most people call me Jeff, but you - you, random stranger who I just met, can call me Jeffrey."

"Jeffrey," you said, rolling the name around. It fit well, like a snug wool coat. Just like the deep navy coat with silvery buttons that the man (Jeffrey) was wearing. It hugged his frame, his neat build, his slender torso. He tilted his head to one side in a birdlike motion and then nodded.

"Yes...that's right."

"My name's Y/N," you said, against your better judgement. "And I'd love to go out to dinner with you."

"I'm glad to hear that, Y/N," he said, and the sound of your name in Jeffrey's mouth sent shivers down your spine. "What would you like? Chicken? Sushi? If you're vegan, I know an excellent place for salads."

"Anything really, as long as it's with you," you say, trying to make your voice sound a little bit more sultry. It somewhat works.

"Flirting with me now, are you?"

"Of course. You're taking me on a date, after all?"

And that was the story of how you ended up at a Chick-Fil-A, sitting in a fake-leather booth, laughing over fries and fried chicken with a man you'd just met.

It was the happiest you had been in quite a while.

AS FRIENDS ( A Jeffery Bezos x Reader Fic )Where stories live. Discover now