CHAPTER 3: My boyfriend lives under a bridge

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You were waiting for Jeffery in front of a river. An odd place to meet, for sure, but Jeffery said it reminded him of home. It was a pretty place, with a river and rolling, grassy hills (and a few geese). Jeffery appeared, walking quickly up the trail with Adam, in a white polo shirt covered in boats, following along behind him. As they get closer, you start to hear strains of their conversation.

"See, that's why it's clearly incorrect. I can not see how you think this way!"

"No, you aren't getting it-"

"Yes I am, you just aren't listening to me!"

You raise a hand and give a small wave, effectively getting their attention. Jeffrey smoothed his jacket, lifting a hand in a returning gesture. "Y/N, hello! Isn't this park beautiful?"

"It is nice," you admit - and it's true.

The grass was wet with dew, catching the sunlight, and the leaves were pale greenish-yellow on the trees around them.

The water flowed under the bridge, and a pair of squirrels chased each other up a tall pine tree. The sun had just started to set, painting the sky pink and orange. The longer grass swayed, and a few lone sparrows flitted from tree to tree, perhaps making their way home.

"It's almost as wonderful as I am," Adam joked, fluffing his brown hair. Jeffery shook his head solemnly. "No. Nothing in this world is even close to how perfect you are."

Adam looked a little bit startled by that response, but he seemed to shrug it off with another cheerful comment. "Uhh, yeah. I am pretty amazing."

Jeffery smiled, eyes crinkling like tinfoil. "Of course you are. I only associate with the best."

"So, what were you thinking that we would do today? You said you'd tell us when we got here."

"Oh! I nearly forgot," Jeffrey said with a laugh. "Thanks for reminding me, Y/N. I thought we could go to get dinner somewhere nice. I wasn't sure what we might want, so I haven't booked anywhere yet."

"If you want, I've got some 5% off coupons for employees that we can use at Chick-Fil-A," Adam said. "That's like, 15 cents off Chick-Fil-A's signature chicken sandwich! And," he paused "That is a whole 45 cents if we share the same order!"

You make a face, disgusted, which Jeffrey mirrored. "That's nice, but not great date material."

Even though it was good enough for our first date, Jeffery? You think, anger simmering below your skin.

"But it's perfect for a Bros Night Out! And this isn't a date, it's a Bros Night Out."

Jeffery patted Adam's arm gently. "Normally, yes. But I thought I'd take you somewhere fancier tonight. Your choice, darling."

"Y/G's the darling, not me," Adam said. You focus on Jeffrey, trying to get his attention with only your eyes. He was slightly flushed, eyes darting around - clearly not used to situations like this. "Of course. I was talking to Y/N anyways."

You plastered a smile onto your face but internally scowled. Jeffrey may have been dating you, but it seemed that his true love was Adam. That is, until he focused his attention on you, and then it felt like the whole world was smiling at them.

"Come on, love. We've got places to be."


You smile up at the dark, wooden sign hanging in front of the glass door of the restaurant. The lights inside were warm and golden, fighting away the dusk.

AS FRIENDS ( A Jeffery Bezos x Reader Fic )Where stories live. Discover now