CHAPTER 2: Vehicular manslaughter not included

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You blinked in the sudden bright sunlight. It was always a shock to come out of the dark movie theater into the sudden light.

Luckily, it was only 2:30 pm, so they had plenty of time - and a whole lot of fun planned. Adam and Jeffrey were chatting about the movies, and you checked your phone. No new messages. Darn.

"So, Adam, did you like the part where Janus nearly died?" Jeffrey asked.

"Eh, it was alright, I guess," Adam said. "I preferred when Fall did his whole villain speech. That was so cool!"

"I agree whole-heartedly," Jeffrey said, sunlight glinting off his bald head. He reached into his bag and pulled out a pair of thin-rimmed aviator polarized sunglasses. The rims were a shiny golden color, but the lenses were a smoky, mysterious black.

You smiled. It had been difficult to decide on what to get him, but you had eventually settled on those. It was always nice to see Jeffrey wearing them. It felt like, even after everything, a reminder that Jeffrey still loved you. That you were the only one for him - that he appreciated you.

"It was a pretty good movie, but there was one thing I didn't like," you said. "Some of those characters had real potential but were used as cannon fodder instead."

"If you say so, Y/N." Jeffrey Bezos said distractedly. "Now, we need to get a move on if we want to get to the museum before 3:00."

"Guess so," Adam said. They walked along the sidewalk, cars passing by on the busy road next to them. They stopped at the side of their silvery-grey car. A few scratches, expected from several years of use in a crowded city, marred the shiny finish. Otherwise, it looked fairly new.

Adam adjusted his fashion waist pouch as you ruffled through your pastel greenish-blue bag for the car keys. Pulling them out, you unlocked the car with a short beep and got inside. Jeffrey and Adam followed.

Turning the keys, the car rumbled to life. You pulled out of the small parking spot into the road, checking for oncoming cars.

Jeffrey leaned forward, sunglasses almost slipping off his nose as he pressed the correct sequence of buttons on the console between them to turn on the music. Bouncy country music piped out of the speakers, a bit distorted by static but still soothing.

Adam was humming along to one of the songs, nodding his head and fluffy brown hair along with the rhythm. You looked away from the road and lifted one hand off the wheel to adjust Jeffrey's crooked glasses with a fond smile.

You look back and pull onto the freeway, the road noise suddenly getting louder. Adam looked out the window, noticing the green trees that lined the edges of the highway. A big truck pulled up next to them, blocking Adam's view of anything but the metal sides of the truck.

"LOOK OUT!" Adam shouted suddenly, and both Jeffrey and you jerked their gazes away from each other to the road. The car in front of them had suddenly stopped, and you had to slam on the breaks. The sudden stop jerked all three of them forward, the seat belt digging into your stomach painfully as they caught their breath.

"That was...that was close," you said.

"Yeah," Jeffrey said breathlessly. "Quick thinking, Y/N. That was good work, thinking so fast."

"Thanks..." you reply, looking away to hide your blush. Jeffery reached over and intertwined their intestines together, squeezing your hand gently before letting go.

"Uhhm," Adam said, interrupting the two. "I don't mean to interrupt, but you should probably keep driving so we don't stall traffic."

You scowl at Adam, annoyed at the man for interrupting their moment. If only Jeffrey didn't insist on bringing his "best friend" along on every single one of their dates. It was starting to get on your nerves, if you were being honest.

Sure, you tried to be patient with them. Adam wasn't bad - in fact, he was quite the opposite. Maybe a little (well, a lot) annoying at times, but he had a good heart. He really did want the best for both of them - even if his way of doing it was...unconventional.

And Jeffrey Bezos was kind, handsome, and clever. It wasn't worth hurting their relationship for something as silly as a friend.

You were probably just being overemotional. Other people probably had this happen all the time! You couldn't fully quash the jealousy, though. Not being able to spend any time alone with your boyfriend would do that to a person.

"Hey Y/N, we're almost there," Adam said, interrupting your thoughts. You jerked your head up, E/C eyes scanning the horizon until settling on the huge white building in front of them. A slight smile curled on your lips. You had always loved going to the museum and getting to feel all of the history around them.

(the last time they were there you had written a note that read 'Jeff Bezos is hot' and pinned it to the wall)

(and he had laughed, and held your hand close)

(and all was well.)

(Maybe the note was still there.)

They pulled into the parking lot and found a spot right away. Jeffrey fixed his sunglasses so they sat properly on his hawk-like nose and then opened your car door for you. He extended his hand to you, and you took it, relishing the feel of his warm, smooth palm.

"Here you are, your majesty. Adventure awaits."

"Thank you, Sir Jeffrey," you joke, playing along. Jeffrey helped you out of the car before giving a graceful bow. Behind them, Adam got out of the car, stretching out his long legs.

Adam blinked up at the sun, squinting and shielding his eyes with a hand. "It's getting hotter outside. I shouldn't have worn so many layers"

"Mhmm..." You said, still enamored with Jeffrey. You didn't let go of his hand, instead, tugging on him and his arm as you scampered towards the museum. You look up and snicker.

"Jeffrey, look. The building has your name on it!"

Sure enough, the sign outside did indeed say Bezos.

Jeffrey gave you a tight smile and detangled his fingers, pulling his hand away. You grasped for it, looking for the warmth and stability that had so quickly disappeared. In two quick steps, he was at Adam's side. Adam was still staring at the sun, a soft smile on his face.

Jeffrey put his hand around Adam's shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

They both laughed. You reach out halfway before letting your arm drop, a sick sinking feeling in your stomach. Jeffrey looked over at you and sighed.

"Sorry ...dear." The word sounded like it was sour in his mouth, an unexpectedly bitter thing that was spat out begrudgingly. You startle at the pet name, the idea of Jeffrey using anything other than your name was odd and unsettling - seeing as he never did. Still, it was a step in the right direction, a bare-bones excuse of a peace offering.

"It's alright. Can we talk for a moment, just the two of us?"

"Of course."

They walked a few feet away, far enough that they couldn't hear Adam's humming and he couldn't hear them. You gazed into Jeffrey's smoky, almost-grey eyes. "Jeffrey? Maybe sometime, we could go somewhere. Without Adam. It's been so long since we had time alone."

"I suppose so, if that would make you happy."

"I'd love it. I know you like Adam, but you're dating me. We're partners, Jeffrey! Not a threesome!"

"I..." Jeffrey said, the low timbre of his voice fading out as he struggled with what to say. You felt tears rising to your E/C eyes.

"Why do you have to think about this? Aren't I - am I not important to you anymore?"

"No, Y/N!" Jeffrey said quickly, reaching out and clasping your S/C hands. "You are, I really do care about you."

"As much as you did when we first met?" you said tearfully.

"Of course," Jeffrey said firmly. You look away, a tear dripping down your cheek like a droplet made of moonlight. Jeff Bezos reaches out and wipes it away gently, pulling you into a comforting hug. You lean into the feeling, grateful for the warmth and steadiness Jeffrey had brought into your life.

"Is everything alright over here?" Adam said, popping up out of nowhere. You nearly scream. 

AS FRIENDS ( A Jeffery Bezos x Reader Fic )Where stories live. Discover now