CHAPTER 8: We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I.

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The ride home was awkward, to say the least. It turned out that both Adam and Jeffrey had caught a bus there, but the next bus (according to the schedule) didn't come for at least another three hours. Standing next to your car with the keys in your hand, you had made the mistake of looking up, and seeing the sad slump of your not-quite-boyfriend's shoulders. Trying to ignore him, you had gotten into the front seat of your car.

You had sighed, realizing that you were fighting a losing battle, and offered to drive them home. Certain you were going to regret this, you forced your face into a neutral expression.

You drummed your fingers on the steering wheel, the overwhelming silence pressing down on your shoulders.

The cars around you were flowing and changing lanes as normal, there was no traffic, and you were probably going faster than the speed of light, but you couldn't help wishing time itself would pass quicker.

Jeffery, in the passenger seat, was twiddling his thumbs and humming to himself, seemingly invulnerable to the social pressure. He reached forward, turned some music on.

The bright, spunky music grated on you. You reached over and turned it off with a satisfying click; regretting it almost immediately as an overwhelming silence set in. Adam must not have noticed the tension, because he tried to start up a conversation.

"So, uh, how has everything been going for you two?" he asked. Jeffery leaned his head back, exposing the pale column of his throat, and chose to stare at the ceiling. You clear your throat, and give him a smile.

You're sure it looks as fake as it feels, but it's better than nothing. "My day has been going alright. Took a walk, got breakfast, and came here. Very boring."

"Oh," Adam said, and they both went silent.

The drive passed painfully slowly, and Adam's house came into view. Adam grabbed his fashion waist pack, and Jeffery got out of the car with him, to walk him to the door.

But the concrete was uneven, and Jeffery's foot got caught on the pavement, and he tripped (the whole thing happening almost in slow motion).

He tumbled to the ground, and a loud crunch sounded. Adam's eyes widened almost comically, and he rushed to Jeffery's side.

"Jeffery? Are you okay?"

Bezos sat up, waving Adam off, and fished into his pocket. He pulled out a familiar pair of aviator sunglasses - except for the fact that the lenses were cracked and splintered, the frame twisted beyond repair.

Broken to the point of being trash.

All you can hear is the rushing of blood in your ears as you see the two of them together, both looking upset, two pieces of the same puzzle.

Adam may only view Jeffery as a friend, but you couldn't imagine Jeffery ever loving you the same tender way he adored Adam.

And that? That hurt.


Jeffery could be difficult. You'd come to this realization everyone had left, drinking a glass of cold water in the dim-lit room. He did what he wanted, and dragged you along with him on a bright, gleaming adventure.

Then again, not all that glitters is gold.

The microwave went brrrrrrrrrrrr. Your egg rolls are ready, as is the leftover chicken from a few days ago. You were pretty sure it was still good, so you had loaded the leftovers onto a plate and put them in the microwave.

A fresh, hand-made meal might have been healthier, but this was a lot faster - and you were far too tired to spend the time and energy making something complicated. It had been a long day, and you needed a quick meal so you could shower and sleep.

Now that the countdown was done, you glanced at the time on the microwave. It was 9:23pm, and you were standing in your kitchen with a plate of mostly-warmed food. You tried it, and it was still cold in some parts.

Just like my life, you thought bitterly. You weren't certain when you had become so cynical, so worn down by life that you couldn't find the joy in it.

Maybe that's why you had liked Jeffery so much - even if he didn't have anything, he was always exactly the same, the one constant in an ever-changing world.

Your phone buzzed from its place on the table. You turn around, deciding to ignore the fact that your food was only half reheated, and pick up your phone.

It's Jeffery Bezos.

[Thanks for going out with me today.]

[ We should do this again.]


You can't help but smile. How could you have ever considered leaving him? He clearly loved you, and appreciated you. Besides, imagine how much duller your life would be without him there by your side to catch you, and comfort you, and reassure you.

You needed someone like that in your life, and Jeffrey slotted into your rhythms, into your life, perfectly. You had realized that from the first moment you met him that he was, perhaps, the one.

It would be stupid to throw away the possibility of a soulmate over something so stupid, right? You recall all the good times you have had, and bask in the warmth.

The way he would hold the door for you.

The time he learned you had never gone iceskating before, and pulled you along, laughing at your unstable, wobbly gait.

"Oh, come on Y/N. You're going to be just fine, don't be scared," Bezos had said - and he was right. It was a magical afternoon, and a memory you would always hold close to your heart.

He wasn't perfect - but nobody was. And that's okay.

You think about it a little bit longer, picking at your cold food, and remember that slight sense of freedom when you had thought Jeffery was going to break up with you.

How he dismissed you, and your thoughts, and simply did what he wanted without a second thought to what you might need. Your friend didn't like him, despite the fact that they had supported you, and your choices.

He had lied, and hurt you, and that was not something a soulmate would ever have done purposefully.

Perhaps, just maybe,

It was time to let go, and live your own life. 

AS FRIENDS ( A Jeffery Bezos x Reader Fic )Where stories live. Discover now