EPILOGUE: Bezos I Plays Softly In The Background

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The days flow by in an endless stream. Seasons have changed, your crows raising chicks and leaving for greener pastures. Just like everyone else, nothing and no one stays the same, no matter how much you wish you could just hold on to the present.

Jeffery and your dreams with him are nothing more than ash and dust. He had been in a major car wreck a few months ago, shaking the world with the news of his death. Shock spread like a wave through the citizens of the US of A, spoken in hushed whispers and solemn news stories. Even still, conspiracies that he was still alive spread like wildfire throughout the world.

You know that Adam was in the car with him at the time, but Jeffrey had taken the majority of the impact. Adam escaped with nothing more than a brief hospital trip, a broken arm, and a boatload of trauma.

You had visited him once, seen the tears in his eyes as he mourned the loss of his friend. At first, all you could feel was numb - and then slowly, grief, and beneath that a defined sense of relief. He's gone, gone for good, and you've inherited his empire. No more confusion, no more sick feelings, no more worry about being good enough for him. It had been a messy break-up, full of painful conversations and long, sleepless nights for both of you.

You still hadn't managed to cut all of the ties with him - something still drawing you to him, even after everything - and then, he had died. Jeffery had died on the way to meet up with you, for a not-quite-date at your favorite beach.

Part of you blames yourself. The other part is...grateful. Happy. You aren't sure if those are the right words, but it's odd.

You had seen him in a coffin at his funeral, lying still and peaceful. He had almost looked plastic, a fake model of your Jeffery Bezos. You couldn't really believe it, knowing that he had been alive and well just hours before. Someone like...him, just seemed to be unchanging. Death had no place in the life of Jeff Bezos until now, and the realization was shocking.

He had left you his company, a final parting gift from someone you had once (and still might have) loved. You're not sure if it was left as a way of saying sorry, or a way of saying goodbye.

Or perhaps, it was simply meant to lure you back to his waiting arms, just like everything else about him.

In a flurry of lawyers and legal documents, you become the C.E.O of Amazon. You've done things you never thought you would do, made life better for so many people, yourself included.

The days are long, but you have a life you never would have imagined, and a future brighter than the shine of fake leather.

You left a flower on the grave of someone who you never fully understood, and now never will. Someone you loved, someone you lost, and someone you could never forget.

Jeff Bezos is dead, and you're almost glad.

AS FRIENDS ( A Jeffery Bezos x Reader Fic )Where stories live. Discover now