CHAPTER 5: Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.

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It could still be fixed, you thought. You weren't going to give up on Jeffrey until it was too late to salvage anything from their relationship. Maybe this was just a test of their love, like the ones your grandmother used to show you, whenever you went over to her house. A painful breakup, tears, and then back together with their relationship stronger than ever.

Then again, the main characters were always muscular and blond and perfect. And Jeffrey was bald, and you weren't a movie star. They were living the storyline of a demented fanfiction, not a romance for the ages.

A few strangers passed by, giving you odd, concerned looks. Not surprising, seeing as you were standing in the middle of the sidewalk having a breakdown. You waved them off with a trembling hand, and they skittered away to wherever they were going.

A steady, warm hand shook your shoulder gently. "Hey, Y/N. I saw you and Jeffrey out here, is everything alright? You look upset."

You slapped his hand away as you squared your shoulders and stood up straighter, wiping your watery E/C eyes.

"It was you, you did this to me," you said, voice cracking as the tears started up again. "Jeffrey chose you over me."


"Jeffrey always loved you, Adam! I should have seen it before."

"That's ridiculous," Adam scoffed. "We're just friends. It's a 'Bros Night Out' kind of thing, ya know?"

"It doesn't seem like that to me. Think about it!" you hiccuped.

"Come on, he clearly likes you. Why else would he take you along on all of our Bros Nights Out?"

"Those were DATES," you screeched, tears forgotten momentarily because of the sheer, awful irony of what was happening around you. "Damn, boy, how blind can you be?"

"I'm straight! We were just doing those things as friends!"

"AS FRIENDS? You think FRIENDS go on moonlit walks on the beach? Go to sunset dinners at fancy restaurants together? You think best friends hold hands on the ferris wheel and gaze into each other's eyes? You think that's what friends do, Adam?"

"It's a Bros Night Out kind of thing..." Adam said timidly, gesturing with his hands. "I don't like him like that! Really!"

"Yeah. That may be true," you said harshly. "But he likes you. Which means you've got the one thing I want most in the world, and you don't even care about it."

Adam was starting to get a little bit angry. "Look. I know this is very, very important to you. But Jeffrey and I - We aren't like that."

"Not yet," you muttered. Adam shook his head firmly.

"No. Not ever."

"Mark my words, Adam. The day will come when you finally realize I'm right. And that day? It'll be a dark one for both of us, if you really feel that way."

You turn to walk away, tears building in your eyes. You're sure you're a mess, but you don't have enough energy to care. Jeffery loves Adam, and Adam doesn't care. 

AS FRIENDS ( A Jeffery Bezos x Reader Fic )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz