CHAPTER 1: Ah yes. Me. My boyfriend. And his 6-foot tall best friend.

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"Are you ready, Y/N?" Jeffrey asked. You smile at him, excited about the movie you were going to with him. After a short drive, you pulled up in front of a very familiar house. Jeffrey opened the car door and walked quickly up the walkway to Adam's front door.

He straightened the collar of his shirt and knocked on the door. After a moment, the door swung open to reveal Adam, Jeffrey's best friend. For some reason, Jeffrey insisted on taking Adam along on all of your dates - and when you had asked why, he had gone on about a 'Bros Night Out', and how important it was. Whenever you suggested not taking Adam along, Jeffery looked like you had ripped his heart out and stomped on it.

And the idea of that was horrifying, so you had avoided the topic since then.

You two make a good enough couple, you and Jeffrey Bezos. Your H/C hair looks so very nice in the sunlight and is enough for both of you. Your S/C skin against Jeff's pale, ghostly whitish-pink makes you and Jeffery look like a matched set.

He's so cute.

He even allows you to call him Jeffrey. Everyone else (minus his best friend, Adam, and his family), calls him Jeff.

"Oh, hi!"

"Hey there, Adam. How was your day?" Jeffrey said, smiling. "Are you ready to go see Winter?"

"Yeah, sure," Adam said. "Just let me grab my bag." He ducked back inside and returned with a fashion waist pack slung over his shoulder. Jeffery rolled his eyes fondly and reached forward to straighten the strap that hung across Adam's chest.

"I've heard Winter is amazing! All the reviews are so good," you rave, E/C eyes wide. Jeffrey Chuckled, and held the door open for Adam to get in.

The drive to the theater was pretty long, seeing as traffic was bad. The three of them talked as they drove, catching up on recent events. Well, Adam and Jeff did. They were best friends, after all.

You tapped your fingers on the slightly rough, slightly smooth surface of the steering wheel as traffic crawled along.


They had arrived at the theatre without much fuss. Parking was free on Sundays, so the only trouble was having to find a spot. Once they made it into the lobby, Adam had disappeared into the mass of people, and Jeffrey (with you following behind) had gone to get the typical salty, buttery popcorn that movie theatres were famous for.

Jeffrey paid the bored-looking teenager for the popcorn with crisp, 5-dollar bills. He took the containers from the employee, the three containers clutched loosely in his pale hands.

He handed one of the three of them to you, and you gratefully accepted it. You smiled shyly at Bezos, and his lips curled up fondly in response. The skin next to his dark eyes crinkled with his wide smile, making his whole face look softer. You took a step closer, clutching the popcorn to your chest.

The buttery scent in your nose, your heart pounding in your ears - you were sure there was a furious blush on your face, but you couldn't help it. Jeffery was so beautiful, and you loved him so very, very much.

"Thanks..." You said breathlessly. You were close enough that you could have reached out and touched Jeffrey. You almost did - he looked so appealing, there in the half-light of the theatre lobby.

His darkish eyes were soft and liquid, and the simple woven blue sweater he was wearing gave Jeffrey a youthful, rosy flush in his cheeks.

Jeffrey seemed to swallow, glancing up to meet your E/C eyes and then back down to the ugly, multi-colored carpet. In that one moment though, you felt something spark between you - something exciting, and yet almost...dangerous.

A loose strand of H/C hair drifted into your face. Jeffrey's eyes flicked up to it, and then (so very slowly) reached out, putting one of the popcorn containers down on the counter and leaning forward. Your breath caught, every bit of awareness focused on the simple touch.

"Y/N?" Jeffrey said softly, wreathed in the dusky light. You leaned forward in anticipation.


Jeffrey's smile changed to something a little more mischievous. "You're very welcome."

You wanted that moment to last forever - just the two of them. No Adam, no one else. Just you and Jeffrey, the way it should always have been and always should be.

Behind them, the teenager working at the popcorn stand cleared their throat.


A long line of people stretched out behind them, made up of people waiting to get their popcorn. Jeffrey flushed lightly, clearly embarrassed. "Ah - I'm sorry about that. We'll get moving now. Come along, Y/N."

The worker grunted and went back to staring at the popcorn machine with a murderous expression. You were starting to wonder if that was just their resting expression.

He rested a hand on the small of your back and guided you towards the darkened doorway. A deep red sign with the gilded words "To Theatre" hung above the opened double doors.

Most of the seats in the theatre were already filled, but you caught a glimpse of a familiar figure waving at them. A frown creased your brow. Jeffrey had the opposite response, lighting up and rushing forward like an excited dog. You struggle to keep up with Bezos, apologizing quickly to an elderly couple that Jeffery had shoved aside on his mad dash to get to Adam.

"I had been wondering where you had gone," Jeff said when he reached the seats Adam had saved for them. Now that you were closer, you noticed that the obnoxious, brightly-colored shirt Adam was wearing had tiny pink flamingos on it. Their little faces (well, beaks really) seemed smug and gloating.

"Sorry about that. I went to find our seats."

"No problem. Here, this is for you," Jeffrey said. He passed Adam the popcorn; their fingers brushing as the container traded hands. You took a deep breath, composing yourself before sliding into the cushy, red-velvet seat on the end of the row. You settled in, watching impassively as the big screen in the front lit up, the before-movie ads beginning to play.

AS FRIENDS ( A Jeffery Bezos x Reader Fic )Where stories live. Discover now